Awake (sleep part 2)

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Charles POV

I woke up feeling better than I had in a long time. A pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist, the hands clasped dangerously close to the waistband of my sweatpants. Turning my head slightly, I realised that Erik was buried under the covers - wrapped in them as though it was a cocoon. I smiled gently at the one strand of hair that was visible from underneath the covers.

My door banged open and my sister walked in, in her natural blue form without any clothes on.

"Have you seen Erik?" She asked.

Technically I hadn't seen him however I could feel him.

"Raven, what are you doing?" I exclaimed, pulling the cover up to my chin so that my chest was covered.

"Have you seen Erik?" She asked again.

I covered my eyes, "go out some clothes on Raven and let me get a shirt on."

"Wait you...not in a shirt?" She asked.

I blushed bright red then nodded.

"That's odd." She commented before walking out the room.

I tried to move however Erik's grip was strong. I laughed quietly but inside I was glad, I didn't really want to move.

My sister walked back into my room wearing a bathrobe and stated "well you've not moved. Anyway, have you seen Erik as I need to punch him?"

I decided that my best bet was to pretend that I didn't know what had happened between Erik and Raven as I asked "I've not seen him, why do you need to punch him?"

"Well yesterday I was waiting for him in his bed however he was really rude and left me there, he didn't even have sex with me?" Raven exclaimed angrily.

I was bubbling with anger at my sister however at the feeling of Erik's hands running up and down my chest, I calmed down, blushing slightly.

"Perhaps he was too tired?" I offered halfheartedly.

"Or perhaps it's because I don't swing that way Raven." Erik called from underneath the covers.

Raven stared at me. Rolling over, I pulled the covers off Erik's face and grinned at him.

"Morning handsome."

"Good morning Charles." Erik smiled.

Leaning over, I gently pressed my lips to his; Erik kissed me back sweetly before he brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"What the hell!" Raven exclaimed.

I turned around so that I was facing Raven and stared at her, waiting for her to speak. Erik's arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

"Charles, you liar, you said you hadn't seen Erik." She glared.

"Well he was underneath the covers so I technically hadn't seen him. All I could do was feel his hands very close to my waistband." I grinned.

Erik smirked at me before he whispered "I'm sure my hands could go lower if you wish."

I blushed a deep shade of red.

"You're both gay?" Raven asked.

"Yes Raven, that's why I didn't want to have sex with you, I'd rather have sex with your brother." Erik explained.

If it were possible, my face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Since when were you gay Charles?" Raven asked, sounding almost hurt that I didn't tell her.

"You never asked so I never told." I smiled slightly sad.

"Of course I never asked, you would flirt with one woman or another every day." Raven stated.

"I liked the reputation of being a player," I shrugged, "besides it was meaningless."

Erik laughed "I hope that I'm not going to be like one of those women, sincerely disappointed."

"Darling, I told you that I was in love with you last night. You don't have to worry at all." I grinned, kissing his cheek.

"You love him?" Raven gasped.

I nodded, "with all my heart."

"Do you love my brother?" Raven asked Erik.

"I do." He responded sincerely.

"I'm sorry about last night Erik." She whispered.

"It's alright Raven." He smiled.

My sister walked out the room and shut the door, leaving Erik and I alone. I turned to face him and smiled widely at him.

"You look incredibly handsome." He murmured, bringing his lips to my neck.

I shivered slightly "you look even more handsome." I whispered in his ear before devouring his lips with my own.

Erik pulled me close and I blushed slightly.

"I love you Charles."

"I love you too Erik." I whispered lovingly.

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