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Smiling to himself, Erik walked up to Charles' office. It had been too long (3 hours) since he had last seen his husband so he was determined to go and talk to him. He stopped when he heard voices inside.

"I love them both," Charles spoke, his voice blank and emotionless, "I don't know which one of them I love more."

"Hmmmm..." Hank pondered, "have you tried talking to them?"

"They aren't particularly good at feelings." Charles responded.

Erik's breath hitched. Was...was Charles... cheating on him? He couldn't, could he? No...but he did say the words both. He didn't say 'I love Erik' he said 'I love them both'.

Holding back his sobs, Erik quickly walked into his (and Charles' bedroom) and sat down on the bed. His heart shattered into millions of pieces. He couldn't bare it.




Question after question flooded his mind. Erik didn't know how long he had been sitting there, wallowing in self pity and heartbreak.

The familiar feeling of Charles' metal wheelchair rolling into the room brought Erik back down to earth.

"Erik?" Charles asked softly "what's wrong?"

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked harshly.

"I'm sorry?" Charles responded.

Erik projected the scene he had overheard to his husband and whispered "when were you going to tell me that you are cheating on me?"

Charles' eyes widened as he whispered "How could you think I'd cheat on you."

"HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME IN THE FIRST PLACE." Erik roared, his voice cracking.

Charles wheeled closer to his husband, his heart aching from the pain of not being trusted.

"Erik, this has been a big misunderstanding. You didn't hear the entire conversation."

"Then explain." Erik responded bluntly.

Nodding, Charles placed his hand in Erik's own then projected forward his memory.

Hank sat down across from Charles and grinned, "Raven tells me you've become quite the relationship counselor."

Rolling his eyes, Charles responded "you would know from first hand experience, wouldn't you Hank."

Hank laughed "Touché. Now tell me all the gossip."

Chuckling fondly, Charles shifted in his wheelchair slightly before he began, "I had a message from Jean, regarding the whole love triangle between her, Logan and Scott. It read 'I love them both. I don't know which one of them I love more'."

"Hmmmm." Hank pondered, "have you tried talking to them?"

"They aren't particularly good at feelings." Charles responded, his voice monotonous, carefully repeating what Jean had said.

"That's true." Hank snorted, "anyway, enough about this, how is your relationship."

Charles blushed, "really Hank?"

Hank nodded, "yes, come on Charles after all we've been through, I must at least be owed an update on your relationship with an ex-mass murderer."

"He wasn't a mass-murderer..." Charles contradicted.

"Debatable." Hank raised one eyebrow.

"I love him." Charles murmured, "I've never loved someone like I loved him. I trust him with my life, and he trusts me. When I'm around people, I feel the urge to be strong and  not to show weakness. But when I'm with Erik, I can be weak. I love him so much, I love him on bad days and on the good. I love his eyes, and his smile. Dear god his smile. It could light up an entire city. It's the most beautiful smile in the world."

"Not that anyone else would know since he only smiles when he's with you that miserable bastard." Hank muttered.

"But that's what makes it so beautiful, it's the special thing only I get to see and it's so amazing. I can't even describe how much I love him. He's perfect." Charles finished.

Hank smiled at his best friend. He'd stuck by him through high and low but he'd never seen him as happy as he was when he was with (or talking about) Erik.

"I'm happy for you charles."

Charles grinned back, "if you'll excuse me, I must go find my husband."

Hank chuckled then let Charles pass.

Erik was speechless. He covered his eyes with his hands then sobbed, "Charles...I'm so so so sorry. I was thinking clearly. I was stressed out and was on my way to talk to you. I was so overwhelmed."

Charles transferred himself from his wheelchair into his bed then pulled his husband into his arms. One hand gently caressing the short gingery locks.

"Ahhhhhh it's alright." Charles soothed.

"I'm so sorry." Erik whispered.

"It's alright." Charles responded, pressing a small kiss to Erik's forehead.

"I love you." Erik mumbled, "I know you'd never cheat and I'm so sorry for even suggesting it."

"I love you too darling, it's alright don't worry. Take a deep breath." Charles smiled.

Erik took a deep steadying breath, the scent of his husband's cologne that he loved so much keeping him grounded.

"You're a silly man darling." Charles chuckled "but you're my silly man."

Erik laughed weekly before eventually falling asleep in his husband's warm, comforting embrace. After pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, Charles fell asleep as well.

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