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Raven smiled flirtatiously over at Erik and asked, "Erik, can you help me with these weights?"

Erik held in a sigh, "Sure Raven."

He walked over to the blonde girl and showed her where to put her hands and explained how it would be best for her to train in her natural blue form so she could focus more. Raven was reluctant since she was extremely self conscious. She wanted Erik to love her, she wanted him to love the blue-skinned redhead not the blond girl.

"There isn't anything wrong with your blue form Raven, you are beautiful." Erik stated, trying to be encouraging and reassuring, he just wanted to help the young lady train, there was no hidden reason behind his actions.

Raven took his compliment as flirting so she ran her hand up Erik's arm and whispered "Thank you. I never knew how toned you are Erik, do you work out much?"

Erik was extremely uncomfortable. He glanced over at Charles who was seething, his face had turned a slightly darker shade of red, projecting his anger. Charles put his weights down and stormed out of the room. It might just have been because he had extremely good hearing, but Erik was sure he heard a small sob.

"Yes, I work out. I must go now." Erik responded gruffly, excusing himself from the uncomfortable situation.

Raven stared at him, slightly upset that he had to leave. She sighed then vowed to continue flirting with Erik since Hank didn't think she was beautiful in her true form. 

The tall, German man strode towards Charles' bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Erik, is that you?" Charles whispered.

"Yes." Erik responded softly, his heart breaking at the sound of Charles' concealed sobs.

"You can come in." 

As soon as Charles had finished talking, Erik opened the door and stepped inside of the room. After closing the door behind him, he rushed over to the bed where Charles sat. Erik sat down next to his boyfriend and wrapped is arms around him, pulling him close to his chest.

"My fucking sister is flirting with my boyfriend." Charles fumed, tears of anger pouring out of his eyes. 

"I'm pissed as well Charles." Erik responded, pressing a kiss to Charles' forehead.

"You wouldn't...leave me...for her, would you?" Charles mumbled, staring up at Erik innocently, his big blue eyes clouded with tears.

If Charles had asked him that any other time, he would have called him an idiot then gave him a kiss on the cheek however seeing his boyfriend so scared, angry and upset, Erik knew he couldn't be so blasé about it.

"No, never. I'd never leave you for her. Firstly, I'm gay, secondly, I love you too much to leave you and thirdly, its me." Erik smiled, tightening his hold on Charles.

"Ah yes Mr antisocial can't handle it when more than one person fancies him." Charles grinned.

Erik chuckled, "We can't all be like you. Not everyone is so attractive and sociable they can easily respond to flirts without having to think."

"Trust me Erik, you are incredibly handsome too. People just tend to not approach you because you glare at them all of the time." Charles laughed, resting his head on Erik's shoulder.

"That's the point, the only person I want approaching me is you." Erik smiled.

Charles blushed slightly then lent up and pressed a kiss to Erik's cheek before wriggling out of Erik's vice-like grip. Erik pouted making Charles giggle "Don't worry you idiot, I'm just taking off my cardigan."

Erik stared as Charles shrugged off his cardigan and threw it over the back of a chair. When Charles turned around and caught Erik's eye, he smirked, "enjoying the view?"

The dazed look in Erik's eyes vanished, the extremely in love expression was replaced by one of lust. Charles grinned then walked back over to the bed. He clambered on top of his boyfriend so that he was straddling him before pressing a kiss to his lips. Erik kissed back furiously as his hands rapidly moved so that one was holding Charles' waist while the other was tangled in his wavy brown locks. Their making out soon became more heated. 

"I love you." Charles whispered before bringing their lips together again in a passionate kiss.

"I love you too." Erik responded before turning his focus towards Charles' neck and gently kissing down it. 

The door flung open. 

Raven blinked, her mouth falling open in complete shock. She gaped at the sight of her brother, looking extremely dishevelled, the top buttons on his shirt undone, straddling a shirtless Erik - whose grey hoody had long since been discarded haphazardly on the floor. 

"What the fuck." Raven exclaimed.

Charles jumped, he pulled back from Erik and attempted to scramble off him however Erik held onto his waist.

"Don't go." he murmured.

Charles nodded.

"Charles, you...you..you and..Erik?" Raven mumbled.

Charles nodded again. "Yes, dear sister, I am with Erik so I would rather appreciate it if you did not flirt with him."   

"Erik...weren't you flirting with me earlier?" Raven asked, confused.

"No, I wasn't." Erik responded firmly.

"I'm sorry Charles." Raven whispered. 

"It's alright Raven, you didn't know. Now, would you mind..." Charles trailed off.

Raven nodded the walked out of the door, Erik 'helping' her slightly by shoving her by the metal watch on her wrist before slamming the door shut. Charles rolled his eyes "how kind."

Erik shrugged "she deserved it, she interrupted us."

His boyfriend laughed then gently kissed him. Erik smiled into the kiss before deepening it. 

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