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Erik smiled to himself as he briskly walked up the stairs. He finished work early today and Charles had the day off so that meant they could spend some well deserved alone time together - without the interruption of seeing people, getting in at different times and having to do extra work. It would be just the two of them, free to do whatever they wanted.

As he fumbled with his keys, the faint sound of music floated through the door making Erik smile, he recognised the song and it made him feel extremely nostalgic.

Everybody wants to know her name
I threw a house party and she came
Everyone asked me
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with five colours in her hair

After opening the door Erik was about to call out to Charles and let him know that he was home however the sight in front of him made him stop dead. Charles was cleaning the kitchen in a pair of Erik's boxers and one of Erik's t-shirts while dancing and singing along to the music. Holding in his laughter at the sight of Charles shaking his arse (not that he was complaining, it was a very nice arse) in time to the music, he quietly crossed the room and sat down on the sofa.

"He's just a loner with a sexy attitude
I'd like to bone him 'cause he puts me in the mood
The rumors spreading round that he cooks in the nude
But he don't care, he don't care" Charles shouted, despite what most people may think, Erik thought that Charles was an amazing singer.

Charles still hadn't noticed that his boyfriend was watching him however when he turned around, mid verse and saw Erik lounging on the sofa he shrieked "Jesus Christ Erik."

Erik roared with laughter and got back off the sofa to greet his Charles properly. After Charles had paused the music, Erik bent down and gave Charles a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Well you looked like you were having fun." He grinned, mouth split into the shark-like grin Charles found extremely endearing.

Charles blushed and Erik wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. Smiling softly through his embarrassment, Charles wrapped his arms around Erik tightly.

"You weren't supposed to see that." He mumbled abashedly.

"Loner with a sexy attitude eh?" Erik smirked.

Charles looked up at Erik, his ocean blue eyes meeting the steel grey ones belonging to his lover. His cheeks were still tinged pink as he stood on his tiptoes and brushed their lips together.

"Well it's true." Charles murmured.

"Are you comfortable in my clothes there." Erik chuckled, shaking his head fondly with amusement.

Grinning back, Charles stated "yes, they are very comfortable. The shirt smelled like your cologne so it felt like I was getting a hug from you."

"Read my mind." Erik smiled.

"I'd rather read your lips." Charles grinned, pulling Erik down by his tie and into a passionate kiss.

Erik's hands navigated themselves so that one was tangled in Charles' hair and the other was wrapped around his waist. When they broke apart both men had a silly grin on their faces.

"You are all I think about. The man I couldn't live without." Erik murmured pressing their lips together again.

"I love you too darling." Charles blushed.

Erik chuckled then hugged Charles tightly. Sliding his hands under his thighs, Erik picked Charles up and carefully carried him to the sofa. Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's neck and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Are you alright Schatz?" Erik asked quietly.

Charles nodded, breathing in the comforting scent of  Erik's cologne, "missed you."

Erik smiled fondly and held Charles close, stroking the soft locks of his boyfriend's hair soothingly.

"I missed you too."

Charles snuggled closer to Erik and held him tightly, "I want a hug."

"You can have all the hugs in the world my love." Erik smiled, pressing a feather-light kiss to Charles' forehead.


Dedicated to my amazing bestie FiveColours04 <3

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