Phone call

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Being in a relationship is never supposed to be easy. However when you are Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, things are a lot harder than normal.

First you have the problems that come with supposedly being archenemies due to differences in opinions in what is ultimately leading to the protection of mutants - albeit in very different methods.

Then there's the problem with Erik Lehnsherr being a stubborn man who refuses to acknowledge when he is wrong. This tends to infuriate Charles because he knows that despite his own stubbornness, it is hard to convince Erik to do something a different way.

Finally there's a simpler problem - many people are not a fan of same sex relationships. This is arguably the largest problem of all as it is why Charles and Erik have never publicised their relationship.

Despite everything, these problems never stopped them from being together. The couple liked no one knowing about their relationship since they both preferred to keep their personal lives to themselves. Instead of public dates and constant PDA, they enjoyed hushed, late night (ridiculously late night) phone calls.

Charles had been caught on the phone to Erik at 2am on multiple occasions, which despite the late hour was normal for the professor. The 5th time it happened, there was something abnormal about the situation. The unusual part about what was already an odd situation, was the faint blush that had steadily spread across the Professor's cheeks.

The next morning, Scott asked "Who were you on the phone to last night?"

The Professor looked very composed when he calmly responded "That is my business Scott but if you have to know it was an old friend."

Scott nodded then walked off, without pressing further, leaving the Professor deep in thought.

A presence of a very familiar mind captivated Charles' attention he wheeled himself out of his office and into the entrance hall.

"Hello old friend." Charles called out softly as he opened the door.

"Hello Charles." Erik responded, stepping into the grand entrance hall.

"Let us discuss this situation in my office." Charles stated.

"I look forward to it." Erik smirked.

Charles rolled his eyes and led him to his office, oblivious to the scared looks a few children gave them. When they reached the familiar room, Erik sat down on the sofa and Charles wheeled himself so he was sat opposite him.

"What did you want to discuss Erik?" Charles asked.

"We are alone Charles, remember." Erik grinned.

"Very true." Charles smiled, reaching out and grabbing Erik's hand.

Erik stared at Charles for a moment before announcing "I'm retiring."

"You can't exactly retire if your job is being Magneto." Charles chuckled.

Erik rolled his eyes "well I am, I've come to realise that I'm not as young as I once was and it's impacting my health - all the stress of fighting."

"Can I convince you to stay here?" Charles asked warmly.

"There's one way." Erik smirked.

Charles chuckled before leaning forward and gently kissing Erik's lips, his hand resting on the side of his husband's face.

The door flew open and Logan rushed in "Professor they are saying that Magneto is here..."

He fell silent at the sight of Charles and Erik. Charles pulled away from his husband and turned to face Logan "really, I never knew?"

Erik snorted nervously "how are you so calm about this?"

Charles rested his hand on Erik's knee and smiled "I knew that it was only a matter of time before someone found out darling. Think of it this way, we managed to keep it a secret for the 20 years we were dating and the 30 years that we have been married."

Erik glanced at Logan nervously before grinning at his husband "you're right, 50 years is pretty impressive."

Logan stared at them in complete and utter shock "50 fucking years. You've been a couple for 50 fucking years."

"You are in a school Logan, watch your language." Charles stated.

Erik chuckled "yes we've been together for half a decade. Mein Gott, that makes us sound really old."

Charles laughed loudly and moved his hand so that it was resting on top of Erik's.

Logan gaped at the couple before asking "Rings?"

"I take it no one noticed that we both wear wedding rings." Erik snorted.

"Evidently not darling." Charles chuckled.

Logan was frozen to the spot for another few minutes before he turned away and walked out of the room. Charles, who was normally very composed, broke down in tears of laughter. At the sight of his husband, Erik began laughing too.

When they had both composed themselves, Erik gestured to the couch beside him. Charles wheeled himself over and transferred himself from his wheelchair and onto the sofa. Erik wrapped his arm around his husband and pulled him close. Charles lent into the embrace and smiled before he asked "Do you want to go public then?"

Erik looked down at his husband and smiled "Why not, it will be nice not to have to be so secretive."

Charles grinned and Erik placed a kiss on the top of his husband's bald head. Both of them were evidently oblivious to several members of the X-Men peering around the door, shocked expressions on their faces at the sight of their professor relaxing against Magneto of all people.

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