The Bet

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Charles and Erik were an odd pair. One short with wavy, dark-brown hair and the bluest eyes you had ever seen while the other was tall and lean with stormy grey eyes and blondish-brown hair. They were opposite in many ways yet at the same time they were very similar. One thing they had in common was the fact that secretly, they each loved the other. Whenever they were together, you could always feel the sexual tension radiating off of them.

One evening, Charles and Erik were sat outside in the sprawling grounds of Xavier mansion playing chess as the sun set.

"Your move Charles." Erik smiled warmly.

"Thank you darling." Charles grinned.

Erik blushed - if he knew anything about dating (which he didn't really) he would have said that Charles was flirting with him. But that was impossible, right?

Wrong. Charles grinned at the sight of Erik's slightly pink cheeks, he stared at the German metal-bending mutant, his eyes full of love. Erik's eyes met Charles' which caused Charles to blush - he had been caught staring not so discreetly at Erik.

"Enjoying the view Charles?" Erik smirked.

"Yes, I am actually darling." Charles grinned.

Erik's heart fluttered, after taking a deep breath he asked "Are you flirting with me Charles?"

"And if I am?" Charles asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"If you are, I suggest you stop flirting and let me kiss you." Erik whispered.

Charles gasped slightly before murmuring "shall we go to my room, it's more private than out here?"

Erik grinned "yes, there's a lot more you are yet to see Liebling."

Charles' eyes widened slightly "don't tease me love."

Erik chuckled, they stood up and he wrapped his arm around Charles' shoulders.


A few weeks later, Charles and Erik were still dating secretly, that did not stop the other inhabitants of Xavier mansion from betting on when the pair would get together. As Charles walked past his sister Raven, Hank, Alex and Sean he heard them all whispering.

"They are so oblivious, I can't believe they haven't realised that they like each other." Hank chuckled.

"Let's have a bet, 20 bucks on when they get together." Raven grinned.

The group decided their vets and Charles laughed quietly to himself "if only they knew we aren't as oblivious as they seem to think."

He cheerfully walked into his office and found Erik sat in a chair, patiently waiting for him.

"Good evening Charles." Erik smiled.

Charles walked over to his boyfriend and gently kissed his lips. "Evening handsome."

"You've been laughing, what's funny?" Erik laughed.

It always shocked Charles how Erik could always tell what emotion he had just been feeling - obviously Charles could do the same with Erik however he was a telepath so knowing those things was the whole point of his mutation.

"Hank, Alex, Raven and Sean have made a bet on when we'll get together." Charles chuckled.

"Do you want to tell them?" Erik asked, amused.

"We could always have a bit of fun with this situation," Charles grinned.

"Explain." Erik smiled.

"Well we could always be less careful with where we make our, or something like that I did have another idea but it's very similar." Charles responded, blushing slightly.

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