Thinking the same

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Charles' POV

"What you know you were thinking the same?" Erik shrugged.

To be fair, Erik was right. He had just pushed Sean of the giant solar dish so that he could practice using the wings Hank had made him. Although i hadn't really been thinking about Sean or Hank at all. No, the only person on my mind was a German-metal-bending-genius. I loved Erik; I loved him so damn much. I wish he felt the same way about me.

"I was thinking of something different." I smiled.

"What was that then Charles?" Eric asked, chuckling slightly.

My cheeks tinged pink - I couldn't tell him, he'd hate me. I could not tell him how I wished to feel his lips on mine. How I wanted to hold his hand. How I was desperately in love with him.

"Charles?" Eric asked encouragingly.

I couldn't talk. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm going to leave you two alone." Hank mumbled awkwardly.

He climbed down the ladder and left Erik and I on our own.

"Charles are you ok, you've clammed up?" Erik stated, looking worried.

I didn't know what to do. I could lie I suppose but it's Erik - he would see right through it plus I hated lying to him. If you love someone surely you should be honest but I don't want to lose out friendship.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Erik putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked over at him, slightly startled.

"Well there's this person and I really really like them. But I don't think they like me back." I whispered.

"I'm sure that girl likes you back, I mean you can get any girl to fall in love with you." Erik laughed.

There was something about his tone of voice that sounded...sad. It was now or never. I have to tell him my burning secret. The secret that has been eating me alive to have to hide from everyone.

"Who said it was a girl."

Erik stared at me in shock. I laughed nervously.

"You're gay?" He asked quietly.

After a moment's hesitation, I nodded.

"Do you like anyone Erik?" I asked curiously.

"Yes I do, he's a great guy, if only he liked me back."

Wait...he. Erik's gay? The man I love is also gay. Oh my golly gosh.

"You're gay?" I asked.

Erik nodded and after taking a deep breath he looked at me dead in the eyes and said "Charles, you should know that the person I love's you."

I gasped. Erik liked me? Oh my goodness my dreams have come true.

"I can't stop thinking about kissing you." Erik whispered.

"Well it lookes as though we were both thinking the same thing once again." I smirked.

Erik's eyes widened in shock. I pulled Erik down by the front of his hoodie and kissed him carefully on the lips. He placed his hands on my waist then gently kissed me back.

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