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Inspired by my trip to Chiselhurst caves


Erik was bored. So being the nature lover he is, he dragged his husband outside.

"Erik where are we going?" Charles whined, he wasn't a fan of the outside but he didn't mind it when he was with Erik.

"We are going on an adventure." Erik grinned.

Charles rolled his eyes at his childish lover, "where are we going"

Grinning, Erik grabbed his hand, "we are going on a tour around some caves."

Charles smiled at him, he loved Erik and he thought that he looked adorable when he got excited about things.

"Sounds interesting." Charles commented.

Erik nodded then continued to drag Charles towards their destination. They could have taken the car and that would probably have been quicker however Erik was too excited to bother finding the keys (even though he could have just used his mutation to find them). The metalkinetic loved to explore they outside, he loved taking a relaxing walk around the grounds of the school he and Charles ran. However he preferred it when he was accompanied by Charles. To be fair, he preferred doing anything when Charles was there.

They got to the caves and saw that they were in a group with around 5 or so other people plus their tour guide.

"I've always wanted to go to these caves," Charles mused, "I've just never had the chance."

Erik grinned, "you should have said Schatz, I  try to go here quite often, I haven't been in years though."

Erik slipped his arm around Charles' waist as they began to walk into the caves.

"These caves were used in world war 2, stick close together as it gets very dark." The tour guide explained.

Charles looked around with interest, he was so intrigued, he didn't see Erik bending down and whispering in his ear "boo."

Charles jumped and Erik roared with laughter.

"You scared me you dickhead." Charles breathed, catching his breath.

Erik kissed the pout off his husband's lips, "sorry Liebling, I could help myself."

Charles grumbled then turned back towards the tour guide and asked, "what exactly did they do down here in the war."

The tour guide grinned at Charles "well many people would hide down here to stop being hit by bombs."

Charles nodded, extremely interested. Truth be told, he loved going to places where he could learn new things. Erik was watching Charles with a fond expression on his face, his husband was so excited at the prospect of learning new things he seemed to have forgotten his surroundings. He smiled and nodded as the man talked, his brain soaking up the new information. Erik thought he looked adorable.

The other people in their group would occasionally ask a question but they mostly kept themselves to themselves and listed to the tour guide.

Their guide pointed to an area that looked like it had been carved out, "they used that area as a chapel, they performed weddings, baptisms and even a holy communion. There isn't much difference between this chapel and one in New York city."

"Except for the fact that this one is underground." Erik commented.

Everyone snorted and Charles rolled his eyes fondly.

"Well yea that's true." The tour guide chuckled.

"You're an idiot." Charles grinned.

Erik smiled down at Charles, he showed him his left hand, "and I'll be your idiot forever."

Charles hugged Erik tightly, "true, I put a ring on it for a reason."

Erik kissed Charles on the top of his head "I love you."

"Love you too idiot."

The tour guide led them deeper into the caves and handed out a couple of lanterns to the group.

"I don't want anyone turning into Florence Nightingale, hold the lantern by your side." The guide chuckled as he handed Erik the lantern.

One thing Charles had learnt over the many years they had together was that Erik would disobey absolutely everyone (except for himself) after being told not to do something. So Erik, being Erik, held the lantern out in front of him like Florence Nightingale.

He looked down at Charles "what?"

Charles shook his head fondly, "you look ridiculous."

They continued their tour of the caves for about another hour, Charles asking many questions and Erik doing his best to make a fool of himself as it made Charles laugh.

As they were close to the end of the tour, their guide (who enjoyed answering Charles' enthusiastic questions) asked "now, do we have everyone that we came in with today."

"Unfortunately." Erik smirked.

The tour guide let out a choking sound. Charles looked at Erik, his eyebrow raised. Erik grinned down at him, not saying anything.

Charles whacked Erik on the chest "watch it."

Erik laughed and kissed Charles on the top of his head. The tour guide looked at them in amusement "are you guys married by any chance?"

"We are, why?" Erik responded pointedly, "have you got a problem with it?"

The tour guide chuckled "goodness no, it's just that every tour I do, I say the same thing and a one person in a married couple always says the same thing as you to their husband/wife."

The other members of their group laughed while Erik grinned down at Charles.

"He just says it as he's a dickhead." Charles announced.

"You love me really." Erik smirked.

As they reached the end of their tour, Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's waist and rested his head on his chest, holding him close "that is highly debatable."

"I love you too." Erik chuckled.

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