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Hank walked out from behind the plane, his skin blue and having hady grown a substantial amount of hair.

"You've never looked better." Erik grinned.

Hank growled at him befor leaping forward at Erik, his hand closing around his throat and his claws digging into his skin. Erik's eyes widened in shock as he choked - struggling to breathe. Fighting with every ounce of strength left, Erik tried to remove himself from Hank's grip but to no avail.

"Hank let him go!" Charles yelled.

But still Hank did not let him go.

"LET GO OF HIM." Charles screamed.

The rest of the team cowered. They had not barely heard Charles should let alone with such fury. Loosening his grip, Hank dropped Erik to the floor. Erik fell down like a marionette that had been cut from it's strings. Charles rushed over to Erik...his Erik. The man he loved. He wasn't breathing.

"No no no, stay with me Erik." He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Charles rolled Erik onto his back; placing his hand on Erik's chest, Charles pushed down firmly. He repeated this process at least 10 times more before putting his mouth to Erik's and blowing into it, performing mouth to mouth with ease.

"I'm so sorry Charles, I don't know my own strength." Mumbled Hank.

Charles continued to perform CPR on Erik, after what felt like hours but was only in fact a few minutes Erik coughed.

"Erik." Charles breathed.

"That was not the circumstance in which our lips touched I was hoping for." Erik rasped.

Charles gasped.

"I probably shouldn't have said that." Erik cursed before trying to sit up.

Erik's head began to cloud over. Weak and dizzy, he felt like he was about to pass out. Charles rested one hand on Erik's chest and the other in the back of his neck before pushing him back down. His head was now resting in Charles' lap.

"Careful Erik, I don't want you to bass out." Charles murmured, bending his face close to Erik's.

Erik reached up and stroked Charles' cheak. "You saved me again Charles, how can I ever repay you?" He whispered.

"I have a few ways in mind, pick which ever one you want to do." Charles smirked.

"Name them." Erik stated.

"You kiss me, you stay with me forever as a romantic partner or you don't kill Shaw." Charles responded.

Erik stared into Charles' ocean blue eyes, contemplating his options. He had to kill Shaw however he wanted to stay with Charles.

"If I killed Shaw, would I still be able to do the other 2?" Erik asked.

"Yes, I'm sure that could be arranged." Charles smiled.

"Well then my dear, I'm yours and you're mine." Erik smiled - a true smile, bright and free.

"I love you Erik." Charles whispered.

Erik's eyes widened slightly before he grinned "I love you too Charles."

Chapter blushed slightly; Erik placed his hands on the sides of Charles' head and carefully closed the gap between them with a searing kiss.

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