Valentine's Day

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Charles gazed out of the window  exasperation written all over his face, "Couldn't you just use the door like a normal person?"

Hovering in mid air, holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, was Erik.

"I'm known for my dramatic entrances."

"Not to my bedroom." Charles snorted.

"It's Valentine's Day."

"It was. It's nearly midnight."

"Good to see you too old friend." Erik chuckled.

Charles rolled his eyes fondly at the man before him, "just get inside you idiot, you'll catch a chill."

Erik held the bouquet and chocolates out for Charles to take. Wheeling himself towards Erik, he grasped the items in his outstretched hands, smiling softly. Gracefully, Erik maneuvered himself through the window and stepped onto the wooden floor, shutting it with a snap to stop the February chill getting inside.

"We need to stop meeting like this." Erik stated, observing Charles contently.

"We've tried not seeing each other before, but it never lasts."

"I was thinking...perhaps we end the public personas we put on. Instead of being Professor X and Magneto, we could just be Charles and Erik. Find the middle ground."

"You...compromise?" Charles chuckled, "whatever is the world coming to?"

"I'm tired of fighting, I just want somewhere to call home, if you'll let me?" Erik murmured, staring into Charles' eyes.

"Do you really doubt that I'd say no?" Charles asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Well..." Erik shuffled awkwardly on his feet.

"Get over here and kiss me you fool."

Erik knelt down in front of Charles and took his face in his hands. Leaning towards him, he gently kissed his lips. Charles moved his hands so that they were tangled in Erik's short locks of hair, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

"Are you ready to go public then?" Erik murmured.

Charles pondered the two options set before him. Hiding, secrecy and privacy or publicity, love and affection. The second option definitely seemed more enjoyable.

"Yes." Charles whispered, kissing Erik again.

"Come on Schatz, let's get some rest."

Erik rose to his feet, the floorboards creaking loudly. Charles felt Hank's mind stirring so he projected "don't worry Hank, we're fine "


"All will be explained in the morning."

Charles steered himself over towards his bed before transferring himself over. Erik changed into a pair of pajamas that were conveniently inside Charles' clothes draw.

Settling himself under the covers, Erik pulled Charles close to him and held him in a tight embrace. Resting his head in the crook of Erik's neck, Charles whispered "I'm glad you came home."

"Me too Charles, me too."

"I love you Erik."

"I love you too Schatz."

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