Do you know something?

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Scott sprinted over to his friends, the gossip he had just found out bubbling, ready to be spilled. Jean and Ororo looked up at the sound of his frantic footsteps.

"Jessz Scott you look like you just found out something interesting." Ororo grinned.

"I did actually." Scott panted.

Jean grinned at him "spill the tea my friend, we all want to know."

"Professor Lehnsherr is dating Professor Xavier."

The two girls gaped at Scott, wide-eyed shock written all over their faces.

"OH. MY. GOD."

Glancing at each other, the girls chuckled at how in sync their shocked screams were. Scott laughed then nodded "I couldn't believe it when I found out."

The 3 teenagers fell silent as the two men in question walked past them, heads bent close and talking rapidly. Unless you knew that they were together, you'd never expect it. While Professor Xavier was openly gay, no one knew anything about Professor Lehnsherr - he kept himself to himself. The two men were best friends - all the students knew that - they ate together, marked together, went home together...damn they never hid it the students were just ridiculously oblivious.  

"Honestly Erik." Professor Xavier hissed.

"Oh come on Charles, you know how much I love to annoy you." Professor Lehnsherr smirked.

"That is because you are the most annoying man in the world." Professor Xavier huffed. 

A soft laugh escaped Professor Lehnsherr's lips as he grinned down at Professor Xavier. The pair shared a small, secret smile before they walked away, the sound of their joking argument trailing behind them. 

"Ok how did we not realise sooner? Did you see the way they looked at each other?" Jean stated.

Scott nodded. One glance was all the proof they needed - the two men were head over heels for each other. 

"I didn't notice, I can't look at them without laughing." Ororo chuckled.

"That's because you know Professor L has shoved his cock into Professor X's arse." Scott deadpanned sending the two girls into hysterics.

"You know you could have just said 'because we know they've railed' it's a slightly nicer way of putting it." Jean wheezed.

Scott stared at her "where's the fun in that."

Ororo nodded, "definitely wouldn't have been as funny. How'd you find out anyway?"

"Well you know Peter?" Scott began.

"silver haired kid?"

"Yes, well he knows Professor L personally and I overheard them talking about his partner and the name Charles was mentioned so..." Scott trailed off as a small, blue boy teleported in front of them. 

"GUYS GUYS GUYS." He exclaimed.

"What's up Kurt? Did something happen?" Jean asked.

"So last night I went out and I went to the bookstore and guess what I saw."

"What?" three voices echoed.

"Professor Lehnsherr kissing Professor X."

Jaws fell to the floor.

"So it's true."

"We have proof."


Babbling excitedly, their words became incoherent through the amount they were squealing, laughing and trying to breathe through everything. 

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