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Summary: What if Charles saw Erik instead of Moira when using Cerebro in X-Men: Apocalypse. Words in italics will be what is heard through Cerebro.


Charles' POV

I put on my Cerebro helmet and allowed myself to be absorbed into a mess of voices. I knew what I was looking for - the source of the giant tremor. We knew where it started - Cairo - however we don't know why. Hopefully I'd be able to figure out why.

An image appeared before me and I stared, a small smile spreading across my lips. Even after everything he did, I couldn't help but love him.

"What do you see?" Hank asked.

"What the hell is going on, Why'd that earthquake happen?"

"It's him Hank." I grinned fondly.


"Erik." I smiled, not taking my eyes off the German man.

"Oh no, give me all the details." Hank demanded.

I stared at Erik lovingly before responding "he looks amazing, he hasn't aged a day, his hair looks stunning-"

I was about to continue when Hank cut me off "No, I meant what's he doing there. I did not want to listen to you going on and on about that jerk."

"Alright alright, I'll try and be more useful to you, just don't call the man I love a jerk." I responded.

Unfortunately for me, I must have accidentally projected those words as a voice said "Charles, is that you?"

"Hello Erik." I smiled.

"Are you using Cerebro?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." I responded.

"What are you doing, stay out of my head." He warned.

"I'm doing the same thing you are Erik, trying to figure out what on earth is going on." I chuckled.

"Right, stupid question." Erik responded, slightly amused.

"What have you managed to find out?" I asked.

"Some guy want to take over the world, he can take the powers of mutants and use them for his own." Erik explained.

"Please tell me you're not thinking about joining him are you?" I begged.

"At first I was..." Erik began.

"Please don't." I whispered.

"Can I come to the school, I need to discuss...a potential plan with you?" Erik asked cautiously.

"Yes but you can't wear the helmet," I stated firmly, "I have to keep the children safe."

"Alright, I can agree to that." Erik responded.

"Charles what's going on, what is Magneto doing there?" Hank asked.

"I'm going to let him come to the school to discuss what he has discovered further."

"But the children..." Hank whispered "you'll put them in danger."

"Hank how dare you suggest that I'd ever do that. Erik will not be wearing his helmet." I announced firmly.

"So basically you want to see Erik and aren't bothered about the mission?" Hank laughed.

"I want to check him out - I mean check out what's going on so we can fix it." I mumbled.

"Sureeee." Hank smirked.

I turned back and saw that Erik was smirking - oh no this is not a good sign.

"I want to check you out too Charles, love you."

I blushed then mumbled "fuck you tomorrow. Gah I meant fuck you, see you tomorrow."

Erik chuckled loudly before I took Cerebro off my head. Hank stared at me before rolling his eyes "great, I'm back to being a third wheel."

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