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"Sir, are you married?" Scott asked.

"I'm not sure that this is relevant to your classwork," Charles chuckled, "however, I will tell you. Yes I am married. I have an amazing husband and three wonderful children."

"Told you he was married, he wears a fucking ring." Jubilee hissed.

Scott rolled his eyes, "what are your kids called?"

Charles shook his head fondly "they are called Pietro, Wanda and Lorna."

"Awww cute." The class cooed.

The door opened and a tall man walked in. The harsh physics Professor, Erik Lehnsherr, walked in. Charles' cheeks tinged pink at the sight of his husband.

"I have the sheets you printed out." Erik stated, walking briskly over to Charles' desk.

"Thank you." Charles responded softly.

Thank you darling.

"You're welcome Professor." Erik smiled fondly.

You're welcome Professor Lehnsherr.

Charles blushed slightly. He loved it when Erik called him by his last name. You'd think that he'd grow tired of hearing it after 20 years of marriage but Charles loved it.

"Professor Lehnsherr, are you married?" Jean asked curiously.

"That is not any of your business." Erik stated cooly.

"He is, can't you see the wedding ring?" Scott hissed.

"Damn that poor woman married to him, she has to deal with that miserable bastard all the time." Warren muttered.

Unfortunately for him, he was overheard by  Charles who glared "Detention Warren. I happen to know that Mr Lehnsherr's partner is extremely lucky to have him. It is not appropriate to discuss how unlucky someone is to be married to someone, especially if you don't know the person they are married to personally."

You didn't need to, Erik thought.

I did. You are my husband, I'll always defend you. Especially if it's someone insulting you, you are the most amazing person ever and I am so lucky to be married to you.

Erik glared at Warren and Charles gently patted Erik on his lower back. Erik understood. He smiled at Charles gratefully and bent down to whisper in Charles' ear "I love you."

Charles blushed.

I love you too idiot.

Erik chuckled then stood up again, walking briskly over to the door.

Kitty whispered loudly "omg wouldn't Professor Lehnsherr and Professor Xavier make such a cute couple."

"I am married." Erik stated.

Tell them, I want to see their reactions.

"We are, aren't we." Charles grinned.

Some of the students who had caught on gasped loudly however most didn't realise what he had said.

Call me by my actual name.

You just want to hear me call you Professor Lehnsherr, don't you.

I'm certainly not going to deny it.

"Did you need anything else Professor Lehnsherr?" Erik smirked.

Smiling softly, Charles responded "no thank you darling, I'll see you later."

The shocked looks on the student's faces made Erik cackle. Charles' cheeks had heated up as per usual, he couldn't talk to his husband for 5 minutes without blushing bright red

You're adorable Erik grinned.

"So wait, do the teachers know?" Ororo asked.

"Of course they do." Charles laughed.

"So wait my brother knew the best gossip ever and didn't tell me!" Scott shouted indignantly.

"Your brother doesn't tell you gossip about the people he works with because he has a life." Charles smirked.

"Get told Scottie." Jubilee grinned.

Erik laughed harder than ever at the sight of Scott's insulted face. Strutting over to Charles he muttered "that was so brilliant you get a kiss."

Charles blushed "Erik the students are watching."

Erik shrugged "let them watch."

After pressing a chaste kiss to Charles' lips Erik stood up again and walked out of the classroom, glancing back briefly to smile at Charles.

I was nice, I didn't initiate a make out.

Mentally, Charles rolled his eyes. Save that for when we are alone in your office after school.

Is that a suggestion?

And if it is?

Charles could feel the smirk on his husband's lips, if it is a suggestion, I am very willing to make it come true.

Good good.

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