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Charles was sat in his office grading papers when there was a knock on the door. It was 9pm so Charles wondered who on earth would want to talk to him that late.

"Come in."

The door opened and a tall man walked in, fumbling with something in his pocket. He sat down in a chair with a loud sigh. Charles looked up from his desk and smiled before wheeling himself out from behind his desk and over to where the man sat.

"To what do I owe this pleasure Erik?" Charles asked.

"I missed you."

Charles smiled at the man in front of him, it had been a 3 months since they had last seen each other. Erik lent forward and pressed a kiss to Charles' lips.

"I missed you too." Charles whispered.

Erik pulled a chessboard out of his bag and asked "Fancy a game? It's been too long."

Charles grinned and nodded. Erik smiled back then set up the board with a wave of his hand, the metal pieces floating into their respective places.

"You're missing two pawns." Charles stated.

Erik chuckled then held out his hands the black pawn secured in his right hand while the white was secured in his left.

Tentatively Charles tapped Erik's left hand. The first thing that he noticed was that the pawn wasn't the only thing on his hand. There was a ring.

"Erik..." Charles whispered.

Erik stood up from his seat and walked around the table so that he was standing in front of Charles. He knelt down and offered the ring to Charles.

"Marry me Charles?" Erik asked quietly, his voice thick with emotion "I don't want to spend my life without you by my side. I love you Charles, no matter what happens I'll always love you. Charles, will you marry me?"

Charles stared at Erik, his blue eyes welling up.

"Yes." He whispered hoarsly, after clearing his throat he repeated "yes Erik, I'll marry you."

After slipping the silver band on Charles' finger, Erik shuffled closer to Charles before gently kissing him a moment later, Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's neck and deepened the kiss.

The door flung open and Hank called "Professor, Magneto is..."

He trailed off at the sight of a crying Charles kissing Magneto.

"Nice of you to knock." Erik stated.

Charles chuckled slightly.

"You were, you were kissing?" Hank gasped.

"Wow really, I never knew?" Erik responded.

Peter walked into the office with Raven and Logan just behind him "what's going on, did you find my dad?"

"He was, he was kissing the Professor." Hank gasped.

Raven and Logan gasped causing Erik to roll his eyes.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU." Peter shouted.

Erik smiled at his son before turning back towards his fiancé and wiping the tears from his face.

"Thank you darling." Charles murmured.

Erik didn't respond, instead he took Charles' hand in his and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

"Wait Professor, why are you crying?" Logan asked.

Charles sniffed then held up his left hand. Raven gasped "He proposed?"

Erik nodded "I did."

Hank fainted.

"Drama queen." Erik muttered.

"You're one to talk." Grinned Charles.

Erik pouted "you wound me Liebling."

Charles rolled his eyes then kissed Erik's lips sweetly. Erik grinned back at him fondly causing Logan to gasp "Wow Erik can smile?"

Erik rolled his eyes and Charles smiled brightly "yes, he has a rather beautiful smile."

Erik bent down and kissed Charles on the cheek before turning to the group gathered in the doorway, "Now you know where I am it is time for you to leave."

He forced them out of the room by the metal in their clothes and slammed the door.

"Erik that wasn't very polite." Charles stated.

Erik gently picked Charles up from his wheelchair and carried him to the sofa.

"Erik put me down!" Charles laughed.

Smiling, Erik sat down on the sofa, Charles cradled in his arms and responded "no."

Erik held Charles tightly and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Charles smiled widely at his fiancé and curled up in his lap.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too Charles." Erik responded.

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