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*Follows on from the one shot 'Cerebro' but can be read on its own*

"Are you wearing cologne?" Hank asked in amusement.

Charles was sat in his wheelchair, looking out the window, staring at the long driveway that lead up to the school. He turned towards Hank and responded "sorry Hank, I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

Hank smirked "I asked if you were wearing cologne."

Charles scoffed "of course not, I don't know what you are talking about."

Hank would have believed him if a faint blush hadn't risen up his cheeks. He rolled his eyes "sure you're not."

Charles looked out the window and spotted a man floating towards the school. Charles quickly rolled himself over to the door and opened it, allowing the tall man to float inside.

"Very discrete Erik." Charles chuckled fondly.

"Good to see you too Charles." Erik grinned.

Charles blushed slightly, staring up at Erik. Hank smirked as Erik asked "is that cologne I smell, Charles?"

"I don't know what you're talking about darling." Charles responded smoothly, his previous embarrassment forgotten.

Erik smiled softly at the handicapped man before leaning down and brushing a strand of hair out of his face. Charles smiled back, his eyes full of love as he reached his hand and grasped Erik's before planting a kiss on his knuckles.

"Still as charming as you were when we first met." Erik announced.

Hank rolled his eyes and hid his face in embarrassment. Why was it always him who turned into a third wheel?

"Only for you my dear." Charles stated.

Erik knelt down before Charles then whispered "would you be willing to..."

"Yes, Erik, I would."

Erik smiled before leaning forward and gently pressing his lips to Charles'. Charles placed his hand on the side of Erik's face and smiled into the kiss.

"Oh for god's sake why am I always the 3rd wheel. Did you forget that we have business to attend to?" Hank exclaimed exasperatedly.

Reluctantly, the couple pulled apart. Erik stood up and brushed himself down before going to the back of Charles' wheelchair and taking hold of the handles. If anyone else had tried to do that Charles would have insisted that he was fine and could wheel himself. However since it was Erik he didn't bother, he let the man he loved wheel him into his office leaving behind a shocked Hank.

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