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Peter glared at his dad, "honestly, why do you have to be so embarrassing? I don't need you to come into school to fix my locker."

"Pietro you've been complaining non-stop about your locker for the past month and since the school management is incompetent I'm fixing it myself." Erik responded, carrying his toolbox in his hand.

Peter huffed. Some of his classmates walked past and raised their eyebrows at the sight of his dad attacking his locker with a screwdriver. Shaking his head miserably he mouthed 'fuck my life', causing them to laugh unsympathetically since teenage boys are all wankers (in more than one way).

"Excuse me, who are you?" A man asked.

"Hello, I'm Mr Lehnsherr, Pietro's dad. He's been complaining about his locker so I came in to fix it. Who might you be?" Erik smiled.

"Charles Xavier, I believe I teach your son biology. Are you sure the school can't fix your son's locker?"

Peter rolled his eyes, his dad was so overdramatic (he certainly would not admit that he inherited his dramatic tendencies).

"It's nothing a little screwing won't fix." Erik smirked. Then he winked.

Peter wished to god that he could burn his eyes out with bleach. His dad, winked at his teacher. What the fuck.

"Well you are a lot nicer than some other parents."

"I prefer to add a personal touch to things."

Mr Xavier chuckled as Peter snorted "what happened to incompetent school management?"

"Well not ALL the school is incompetent." Erik grinned at Charles.

"Well you definitely seem to be the type of person to be good with your hands so I'm sure you'll do an excellent job at fixing Pietro's locker." Charles grinned, a coy smirk brushing over his lips briefly.

Staring disgustedly between his teacher (whose cheeks had turned pink

"For fucks sake." Peter groaned quietly. He didn't trust his dad alone with his teacher however he knew his sports coach wouldn't accept the excuse 'I had to supervise my dad as he was flirting with Mr Xavier and for some reason Mr Xavier was flirting back even though my dad looks like the shark guy from Harry Potter' so he sped off to class.


"Pietro looked like he was about to have a brain aneurysm," Charles observed, "you could have toned down the flirting dear."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it. Besides you pretended you didn't know who I was, I just HAD to make it more...realistic." Erik smirked.

"If that's how he reacted to us flirting, imagine how he's going to react to the fact that we are dating."

His boyfriend grinned.

Charles continued "so you see, I was merely trying to save your son from the mental trauma of finding out that his dad is dating his teacher," after a moment's pause, Charles asked "were you actually here to fix Pietro's locker or did you just want to see me?"

Erik smirked, "the school management is incompetent."

Rolling his eyes, Charles made sure there was no one in sight before kissing Erik on the cheek.

"I have to go teach a class now however I will see you later."

Erik smiled "may I escort you to your classroom Schatz?"

Laughing, Charles nodded and together they walked down the corridor to Charles' classroom.

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