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Erik sighed and stood up, desperate for another cup of coffee to help him deal with the idiots he worked with. You'd think that people who worked in an office were at least half-competent but no that was not the case for Erik. Well almost the case. There was one person who could do things. Charles Xavier was the only person he liked (and no that had nothing to do with the crush he had in the man).

As Erik approached his saving grace (the coffee machine) he overheard 2 voices chatting.

"So Charles, how is 4 letters and ends with a K?" Logan asked with a smirk.

Through the small gap in the door he could see Xavier blushing bright red.

"I haven't spoken to him today."

"That's unfortunate, you should definitely make a move on him."

Erik's eyes widened, Charles liked a man? This was interesting.

"I don't know, he's so closed off." Charles sighed.

"4 letters and ends with a K. Closed off. Who could that be?" Erik mumbled.

Thinking long and hard, he realised that there was really only one option of who Charles could like. Hank.

Not noticing Charles had walked away from the coffee machine, Erik turned around and found himself nose to nose with his crush.

"Oh sorry Charles, I didn't see you there." Erik  mumbled.

He quickly walked away and got himself a much needed cup of coffee. What Erik didn't see was Charles needing to be held up by Logan to stop him collapsing from how weak his knees had gone.

Erik grumbled as Emma stood by the coffee machine. He was desperate for that cup of coffee. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head - Emma was the queen of gossip so perhaps he could use it to his advantage.

"Emma, do you know anything about the man Charles likes?"

Emma turned to face the German man, her eyebrow raised, "you mean you don't know?"

Erik shook his head, "all I know is that his name has 4 letters and ends with a K and is closed off."

Emma laughed loudly "oh sugar you really are oblivious. You're a small cookie, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

She strutted out of the room and left a highly irritated Erik alone. After grabbing his coffee, Erik walked back to his desk to get on with some more paperwork. The sight of two people sharing a deep conversation. It was just the two people Erik wished weren't talking to each other - Hank and Charles.

That should be me, I should be the one he likes, not him.

Charles laughed at something Hank said then clapped him on the shoulder.

"You really think she likes me?" Hank asked.

Charles grinned "yes I do."

Hank grinned "I'll go talk to mine, if you go talk to yours."

Charles blushed but nodded. He turned around and made a beeline for Erik's desk.

"Hey Erik."

"Hello Charles." Erik smiled.

"How have you been?" Charles asked.

"Same old, same old, how about you?"

"I've been good thanks." Charles blushed.

"I hope you get him Charles, you deserve to be happy, even if it's not with me." Erik stated, the last bit merely a whisper however Charles' sensitive ears managed to pick up what he said.

A small smile flickered across Charles lips as he asked, his voice filled with humour, "Erik, who do you think I like?"

"It's obviously Hank - 4 letters and ends with a K, closed off from everyone. There isn't anyone else it could be." Erik stated, in matter-of-fact tone.

Chuckling quietly Charles whispered "you're so silly sometimes, it's quite adorable."

Erik's head snapped up. Staring into Charles' eyes he asked, "what?"

"Erik, how many letters does your name have?" Charles began.

"4." Erik responded as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"And what is the last letter of your name?" Charles continued.

"K..." Erik trailed off, "I don't get it."

"Alright, I'll spell it out for you Dumbo. You are 4 letters and ends with a K. All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around. I'm completely and utterly in love with you, you oblivious fool."

It took 5 minutes before Erik could form coherent words again.

"Me." He whispered.

Huffing impatiently, Charles grabbed a fistful of Erik's shirt and brought their lips together in a bruising kiss. Erik's eyes widened as he slid his hair into Charles' hair, savouring the moment that he had been dreaming of for what felt like forever.

They broke apart to the sound of cheering.

"Took you long enough."

"Jesus Christ I thought they would eye-fuck each other forever."

"I never expected Xavier to have the balls to make a move."

"How the fuck did Lehnsherr not figure it out sooner?"

"Thank fuck, I was ready to just push them together."

Erik blushed a deep shade of red, raised an eyebrow at Charles and mumbled "really, in front of everyone."

Charles grinned unabashed "what's the matter darling, performance anxiety?"


Credits to the amazing rosacharlston for the idea <3

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