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Erik lay in the field that was part of Xavier mansion's sprawling grounds. He lazily picked a dandelion and sighed. He wished that Charles could be his. He knew he couldn't have him but it didn't stop him wishing.

"You know they say that if you blow a dandelions and make a wish it might just come true." Charles commented from somewhere behind Erik, making him jump.

"Oh hello Charles, sorry you made me jump." Erik stated, quickly sitting up.

Charles chuckled then flopped down on the grass next to Erik.

"No matter, I shouldn't have sneaked up on you."

Charles stared at Erik, his eyes full of love. He knew how Erik felt and he felt the same but he'd rather Erik tell him himself than lose his best friend because of the fact that his mutation caused him to hear private thoughts.

Erik sat in the field of dandelions next to his best friend, fiddling with the flower in his hand. He blew and watched all the seeds float off into the air. I wish Charles was mine.

Charles stared at Erik, a small smile on his face, "you could just ask you know."

Erik stared at Charles, his eyes wide with shock. Charles smiled sheepishly "you weren't being very subtle."

Charles brushed a strand of hair out of Erik's eye. Erik let him, when Charles lowered his hand, he Cautiously reached out and took it in his.

"I look into your eyes and see forever. When I see you smile, I know things will be ok. When you look at me I feel free, I forget my rage; you become my serenity. I've heard there's a type of love that comes once in a lifetime but hey, what do I know? I don't know shit about love, all I've ever known is hate. But if that love is true...I think you are the one for me."

Charles stared at Erik, a goofy smile on his face, he had never felt this happy before. He lent forward and pressed his lips against Erik's.

Erik kissed him back, the kiss was slow but it soon became more desperate. He pulled Charles close however he lost his balance and ended up lying on the grass with Charles on top of him.

When they pulled apart, Charles chuckled "are you alright Erik?"

He made to get off him but Erik was quicker, he wrapped his arms around him and held Charlton his chest "stay love." He murmured.

So Charles stayed. He tucked his head into the crook of Erik's neck and they lay there in a warm embrace for hours.

"I love you." Erik whispered.

"I love you too darling."

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