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"So can you use this machine, cerebro was it, to find Magneto?" Logan asked.

"Unfortunately, since Erik helped me build it, he knows how to shield his mind from it," the Professor responded, "however I could try."

"Just try." Logan stated. He had a thought niggling in the back of his mind, one that may explain why to the professor, the man they were trying to find was Erik, rather than the famed Magneto.

Nodding, Charles picked up cerebro and placed it on his head. After turning on the machine he began searching for the mind he was as familiar with as his own.

He smiled slightly when he found the mind he loved the most, unshielded from his attempts to read it.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my head." Erik commented.

"And I thought I told you to stop trying to take over the world when you want my attention." Charles chuckled.

"Touché," Erik grinned, "what did you want Charles?"

"Erik bring the girl back. If you wanted to see me so badly just come to my school." Charles rolled his eyes fondly.

"I didn't think you would want to see me." Erik mumbled sheepishly.

Charles sighed and put his head in his hands "you are such an idiot, you're my husband after all, of course I want to see you."

Charles could feel the happiness Erik was feeling and chuckled.

"Do love me even though I'm old and grey?" Erik asked.

"Do you love me even though I'm now bald?" Charles quizzed back.

"Of course I do." Erik responded quickly.

"Then you have my answer my dear." Charles responded.

"I love you Charles, I'll see you soon for a game of chess, and yes I'll bring the girl." Erik announced.

"Good good, I love you too. And one more thing." Charles smiled.

"What is it Charles?"

"Next time you tell me students to call me Professor Eggsavier you will be sleeping on the couch for a week."

"You couldn't possibly do that, you love me cuddling you, especially when you can feel my erection." Erik smirked.

Charles blushed ever so slightly. Logan raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Instead he smirked - he had an idea about what was going on. He definitely was going to tease Charles mercilessly.

"Try me."

Those two simple words made Erik choke on air. Charles smirked, very pleased that even after all these years he could still render his husband speechless.

"Fuck Charles, now all I can think about is you." Erik groaned.

"Good things I hope?" Charles smirked.

"The dirtiest thoughts imaginable." Erik responded.

"I can assure you that you are not the only one, so if you wouldn't mind hurrying up, I'd rather like to give my husband a kiss." Charles smiled, his heart filling with joy at the prospect of seeing Erik.

"Very well, I shall be there very soon." Erik smiled, his voice full of love.

"Good good."

Charles chuckled then cut the mental connection between them. He turned around and found Logan smirking.

"So, when's the hubbie visiting?"

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