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Charles opened the door excitedly then threw himself into Erik's arms. "ERIK!"

Laughing, Erik dropped his bag and caught Charles, bringing him close to his chest in a tight embrace.

"Jesus Charles, I literally saw you 3 hours ago."

Charles grinned up at him and smiled "I know but you haven't come round my house in aaagggeesssss."

Rolling his eyes, Erik picked up his rucksack then walked into Charles house (well, he was dragged inside by his overexcited boyfriend).

"Raven, Erik's here, we're going to my room, don't disturb us." Charles called.

Raven walked down the stairs in a pair of denim shorts and a cropped top.

"Hey Erik," She grinned coyly, "are you sure that you don't want to come and spend some time with me."

Feeling like he was stabbed in the back, he tried to turn away however Erik stopped him, his hand gently resting on his shoulder.

"No thank you Raven, Charles and I have plans." Erik responded firmly, "Charles, you said you wanted to show me your research?"

Charles glum eyes lit up with excitement and he nodded egarly "yes yes yes!"

Erik smiled softly at the bright smile on his boyfriend's face. Raven grimaced "you really want to listen to him prattle on about science when you could come and get drunk with me?"

Erik nodded, "yes."

Slightly put out, Raven walked away.

"I'm sorry about her," Charles sighed, "I think she has an unusual case of crushing on someone who is in a relationship."

Erik chuckled, taking Charles' hand, "she doesn't know does she?"

As they walked up the stairs and into Charles' room Charles sighed "no, she doesn't know. I'm glad she doesn't though. I like no one knowing. Our relationship is no one else's business."

Erik hummed in agreement, he opened the door to Charles' room, dragged Charles inside before shutting it with a snap. Dropping his bag onto the floor, he grasped Charles' face in his hands before carefully placing a gentle kiss onto his lips.

"I've missed you." Erik murmured.

"I literally saw you 3 hours ago." Charles grinned cheekily.

Rolling his eyes, Erik muttered "you dare use my own words against me?"

Charles giggled then brought his free hand up to run it through Erik's hair.

"Yes." He whispered, pecking his boyfriend on the lips.

"Did you want to show me your research?" Erik asked.

"About that...I may have just said that so that you would come over. I do have research to show you...but not until later." Charles responded sheepishly.

Erik laughed "cheeky minx, what did you have planned?"

Charles pulled his laptop out of its case then set it up on his bed, making sure it was plugged in so it wouldn't die.


Grinning, Erik sat down on Charles' bed then pulled his boyfriend onto his lap.

"What did you want to watch?

Charles curled up in Erik's lap then murmured, "Could we watch Macbeth since we're doing it in school?"

"Great idea." Erik agreed before logging in on Charles' computer and setting the film up.

Charles moved his hand to the back of Erik's head and pulled him down into a soft kiss. Tangling his hands in Charles' hair, Erik kissed him back slowly, pouring all the love he had for the smaller teen into it.

The door flew open. Charles and Erik pulled apart, their faces heating up with embarrassment.

"What the..." Raven gaped.

Suddenly remembering where he was, Charles moved himself off of Erik's lap and onto the bed. Instinctively, Erik wrapped his arm around Charles' shoulders, seemingly forgetting that Raven was staring at them.

"You two..." Raven gasped.

Erik nodded and Charles tensed up slightly.

"How long..."

"A year." Charles mumbled.

"A YEAR!?" Raven exclaimed.

Erik nodded again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Raven asked, slightly hurt.

"We were happy with keeping it to ourselves, it's not anyone else's business. We'd rather no one know than have everyone gossiping about us." Charles stated.

Erik ran his hand up and down Charles' arm soothingly, helping his boyfriend relax into his embrace.

"Well this was unexpected." Raven commented before walking out.

"She's fine with it, don't worry." Erik murmured, lightly kissing Charles on the temple.

Nodding, Charles put on the film and snuggled into Erik's side, resting his head on his chest.

A few minutes into the film, Charles announced "the guy playing Macbeth looks like a less attractive version of you."

Erik laughed, "I hope you won't go around obsessing over a guy who didn't exist."

"I have no reason to, I am in a relationship with the hottest man ever." Charles smirked.

Erik beamed over at Charles "you're one to talk."

He pressed his lips to Charles' and sighed as he drank in the beautiful taste of Charles' lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They continued to watch the film, wrapped in each other's embrace, occasionally pausing the film to make out passionately.

Some time later, Raven knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she slowly opened the door. He eyes landed on a sight that she would never have expected a few hours previously. Her brother was wrapped up in Erik's arms, looking extremely serene as he slept, a small smile imprinted on his face. Erik's head was resting against Charles', his mouth switching up into a smile every time he subconsciously realised who was in his arms.

"Wow, I have never seen my brother look so happy and content." She mumbled to herself before walking out of the room, making sure to shut the door quietly behind her.


For the amazing FiveColours04 ❤️

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