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A knock on the door captured the class' attention. The genetics Professor looked up from his marking and called, "come in."

A student opened the door and timidly walked inside. Charles smiled at her and asked, "hello, did you need something?"

"There's a man who has asked to see you." The girl responded.

Surprised, Charles asked, "do you know what he looked like?"

The girl blushed, "he was very handsome."

Charles' class laughed, they were supposed to be doing silent revision before their test however they had given up since they were more interested in whatever was going on with their professor.

Charles chuckled at the blushing girl "well, lead the way to this handsome man. Class, I will be back momentarily."

The professor walked out of his class and followed the girl. His students waited a moment before rushing out after him, quietly following him since they were extremely nosy.

The young girl led Charles to the reception area, her face bright red, still slightly embarrassed. When Charles caught sight of a man in uniform, holding his hat in his hand he gasped, tears welling up in his eyes.

It was his husband.

Charles sprinted over to Erik and flung himself onto him, kissing him passionately. Erik held Charles close and kissed him back. When they pulled back for air Erik saw that his world was crying.

"Careful Schatz, I didn't ask for you to cry me a river." Erik chuckled, tears pouring out of his own eyes.

Charles held Erik tightly "I've missed you so much. I've missed you so so much."

Erik gently kissed Charles' lips. It felt so good to be back. He'd been away in the army for a whole year and now he was back. He bubbled with excitement at the prospect of telling Charles the amazing news.

"I missed you too, I missed you so much I couldn't breathe." Erik mumbled.

Charles' head was buried in his chest while Erik tested his forehead against the top of his husband's head, gently kissing the soft hair as he held him close.

"How long are you back for?" Charles whispered.

"My years of service are over. I'm back for good." Erik responded quietly.

Charles snapped his head up to look into Erik's stormy grey eyes.

"For good?" Charles choked.

"Yes, for good." Erik repeated, his voice no higher than a whisper.

Charles let out a choked up sob of happiness before pulling Erik into a tender kiss. Erik wrapped one arm around Charles' waist and rested the other in his soft brown locks allowing him to deepen the kiss, extracting a quiet moan from his husband.

The students were huddled in a corner, smiling at the sight in front of them. They loved Charles, he was the best teacher ever and was ever so kind. They were happy to see him so happy. When Charles and Erik eventually broke apart, they clapped loudly.

Charles turned to them, his face heating up but they didn't say anything, he was just met by a sea of grinning faces.

Erik grabbed Charles' hand "come on Schatz, let's go home."

Charles grinned and let Erik lead him out the building.

"Professor Xavier, you can't leave." The receptionist called.

Charles turned to face her, "and why is that?"

"Because you are in the middle of a class." She responded.

Charles sighed frustratedly "Moira, please, shut up. I haven't seen my husband in a year, please let me have the rest of the day off to spend some time with him."

Erik turned to speak to Charles' students and asked, "look, do you guys mind if I take your Professor home and have sex with him all afternoon and all night long?"

Charles turned bright red and hit Erik around the back of his head making his students cackle.


Erik grinned, he had no shame whatsoever, he was the opposite of his husband who has dignity.

"Miss McTaggart let them go home, stop being such a bitch."

"We definitely don't mind."

"Spend time with your husband."

"Go have sex with your husband Mr Xavier-Lehnsherr."

"We don't care professor, go home."

"Fuck off McTaggart."

"Go home."

"Go have sex."

"He's just jealous that his professor is getting more action than him. Go home and spend time with your husband."

"Have fun."

Charles was bright red but smiled slightly at his students, "class dismissed."

He turned around and walked out of the building, ignoring Moira's last attempts to get him back.

"I love you." Erik smiled, pressing a kiss to Charles' cheek.

"And I love you too my darling."

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