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The elevator door opened and Erik and Charles stood face to face, shocked at the sight of the other.

"Charles?" Erik whispered, his eyes full of love.

He had missed the telepath so much in those years he spent in solitary confinement. An excruciating pain shot through his jaw and he fell to the floor. Charles had punched him.

"Good to see you too old friend." He laughed bitterly.

Charles staggered because of the strength at which he punched Erik. Rage consumed him however at the sight of his (ex) lover on the floor, in pain, he began to feel increasingly guilty. He had loved Eri and despite everything he had done he still did.

The words old friend had hit him like a bullet. It was then he realised how much he had missed the man he loved.

Charles steadied himself. He grabbed Erik by his prison jumpsuit and heaved him up. He dragged him so he was in a standing position before slamming their lips together.

Erik had been starved of touch for the past 10 years so at first he was a little shocked at the feeling of Charles' lips on his however it did not take him long to kiss Charles back desperately. He moved his hands around Charles' waist and pulled him closer.

The two men made out for at least 5 minutes before a cough brought them back down to earth.

"You give off confusing signals Charles." Erik stated in amusement.

"I'm pissed at you but god I fucking love you." Charles mumbled.

Erik hugged his...whatever they were calling their relationship and mumbled "missed you too Liebling."

Logan groaned "look I hate to interrupt the gay mutant reunion however we are trying to escape one of the most secure prisons with a fugitive. God I thought the two of you were bad in the future but apparently I was wrong."

Peter snorted with laughter. Erik looked puzzled however Charles stated "he's right, we have to go, I'll explain everything later."

Erik nodded then grabbed Charles' hand as they rushed out of the Pentagon.

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