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"You know Charles, for a telepath you're pretty bad at winning a game of chess." Erik laughed.

Charles stared at the man he had loved for 20 years and smiled sadly "that's not the biggest game I'm losing."

Erik looked confused "what is the biggest game you lose?"

Charles sighed "Loving you is a losing game," before rolling over to the door.

"Charles, wait." Erik called.

Charles turned around to face Erik, a tear rolling down his cheek, "what?" He asked.

"What did you mean when you said loving me was a losing game?" Erik asked hoarsly.

"All this time I've loved you and all this time it's only led to me getting hurt." Charles whispered.

Erik's heart broke. He had always know he had caused the man he loved pain but the fact that he loved him back made it worse.

"But even after what has happened, I can't help but love you and it hurts me to keep it in. I love you Erik and I hate myself for loving you." Charles mumbled, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Erik walked over to him and knelt down so that they were eye to eye.

"I loved you and I have caused you so much pain Charles; I regret it with every inch of me. I know you will never forgive me, however you should know, I love you too." He whispered, taking Charles' small hand in his.

Charles stared into Erik's grey eyes and smiled softly "Erik, I forgave you a long time ago in the hope that one day everything would stop hurting and we could be together."

"I don't deserve to be with you." Erik stated.

"You deserve the world." Charles responded.

He lent forward in his wheelchair and pressed his lips to Erik's. Erik rested one hand on Charles' cheek and smiled into the kiss.

"You really want to be with me, after everything I've done to you?" He asked after they had pulled away.

"Yes, I do." Charles smiled.


Erik was about to say something about him paralysing Charles however he was cut off by Charles whispering "stop talking Darling and kiss me again."

Chuckling, Erik lent forward and closed the gap between them with a sweet kiss.

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