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Sighing, Charles put his book down and got up from his chair. Glancing at the clock, he saw it read 10:30pm. Only an hour and a half until Christmas. A single tear rolled down his cheek, he missed his boyfriend so much. Erik had been deployed 6 months ago and hadn't been back since. He trusted Erik to return home to him safely but that didn't mean he didn't miss him. In fact, he missed Erik more than he had ever missed anyone, perks of being in love with someone, he supposed.

Charles walked into his bedroom, got changed into one of Erik's hoodies - that remarkably still smelt like him - and crawled into bed, letting the tears fall as he hugged Erik's pillow. The faint smell of his cologne soothing him like a lullaby. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Charles to fall asleep.

When Charles woke up, he moved around trying to stretch his back, his eyes still firmly shut. There was an unusual warmth next to him. Since Charles couldn't be bothered to allow himself to wake up he continued to move around.

"Schatz I love you but stop moving." A voice groaned.

Charles' eyes shot open. He was face to face with his boyfriend.

"You're back." Charles whispered hoarsely.

He flung himself onto Erik and started sobbing.

"Awww it's alright Charl, I'm here." Erik smiled, wrapping his arms around him tightly

Charles clutched Erik for dear life as he cried into his shoulder, "why didn't you tell me you were coming home?"

"I wanted to surprise you on Christmas." Erik grinned.

"Best Christmas present ever." Charles mumbled through his tears.

Erik smiled to himself, if him coming home was the best present ever, he couldn't wait to see what Charles thought of his actual present.

"I love you Charles." Erik whispered.

"I love you too idiot." Charles responded.

Erik moved and sat up carefully, holding onto Charles. He gently moved Charles' head so it was resting more comfortably on his shoulder and whispered "let me see your face."

Charles pulled his head back and stared into Erik's grey eyes. Tears streamed down his face as he smiled at the sight of his boyfriend.

"You look beautiful." Erik gasped.

Charles laughed "I don't, my eyes are bright red and I've just spent the past 10 minutes sobbing on your shoulder."

Erik brushed his hair out of his face and smiled, "I always think you are beautifu, no matter what."

Charles laughed, wiped his eyes on the hoodie he was wearing before tenderly kissing Erik on the lips. The kiss started off slow however it quickly turned more passionate as the two of them became desperate to feel the other's lips on their own. Their hands wandered over each others bodies as they continued to kiss.

Erik pulled back then whispered, "I'm going to shower and get dressed, I'll be back in a bit."

Charles pouted but got off Erik, letting him get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. He set about organising what he was going to wear for the day - he knew that Raven would show up as per tradition and since Erik was home for Christmas he wanted to look perfect.

Erik walked back out of the bathroom in a towel a few minutes later causing Charles to stop and stare. Chuckling, Erik grinned "stop staring you horny bastard and get in the shower."

Charles grinned unabashedly as he strutted over to Erik "I can't help the fact that my boyfriend is so hot."

After pressing a kiss to Erik's lips he left the room and took a shower. When he had showered, he quickly got dressed and styled his hair (which took some time).

"Erik where are you?" Charles called out.

"In the living room Schatz." Erik responded cheerfully.

Charles walked into the living room and gasped at the sight before him. Erik down on one knee. ERIK DOWN ON ONE KNEE.

The door flung open and Raven was about to call out to get her brother's attention however, at the sight in front of her, she kept her mouth shut and got out her phone so that she could video the scene.

"Whenever I get deployed, I miss you so much. You are the love of my life, my Charles, my home. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much, so, will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my husband?" Erik asked.

Charles had burst into tears (again).

"Fuck you Erik, you've made me cry twice in one morning." He chuckled.

"Is that a yes?" Erik grinned.

"Of course it's a yes you imbecile." Charles explained, hurling himself onto Erik. Erik caught him as they fell to the floor. Kissing him deeply, Erik slid the ring onto Charles' finger.

"Merry Christmas." Erik whispered.

"Best Christmas ever." Charles mumbled against his Fiancé's lips.

Raven stopped recording and cheered loudly causing Charles to grin even bigger than before.

"Congratulations you two, welcome back Erik." Raven smiled, overjoyed to see her brother so happy.

"Thank you." The couple responded simultaneously then chuckled together.

"I love you." Charles whispered.

"I love you too." Erik responded, pressing their lips together for another kiss.

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