Government hates lovers

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Charles smiled at the papers on his desk. Concealed within the notes on genetic mutation, disguised as an innocent interaction between friends, was a short handwritten letter that brought a ridiculously large grin onto his face.

"My dearest,
Not a day goes past that I don't miss you. I am sorry we can't be together more. I will visit you very soon.
With love,

The letters has been a common occurrence over the many years they had been together and each time Charles found one slipped between book pages he couldn't help but smile.

When Hank walked into the room, Charles wiped the smile off his face and shuffled his papers.

"Are you alright Hank?"

"Yes thanks, just came to check on your, what are you looking at?" Hank smiled cheerfully.

"Oh just some research on genetics." Charles commented nonchalantly.

"I'll leave you to it," Hank grinned, "call me if you need anything."

"Will do." Charles smiled.


Erik scanned the book that was delivered - an extremely old copy (most likely first edition) of the book 'The once and future king'. A sheet of paper slipped out of it making Erik's heart speed up. He opened it carefully and smiled widely at the neat handwriting.

"My lover,
I miss you too. I look forward to seeing you. I hope that one day we can be together every day but until things move forward in how the government treat us I know it may take some time.

Setting down the letter, Erik knew that he had to fight. Fight for justice. Fight so he could go home and be with the man he loved.


For years the letters carried on, until the day Erik returned to the school for good. The years had been kind to him, Charles thought, he still looked as handsome as the day they first met, some 20 years ago.

"Charles." Erik whispered, catching sight of his lover.

"Hello old friend." Charles responded softly, wheeling himself towards him.

Chuckling, Erik sank to his knees in front of him and took his face in his hands "I think we are way past the 'old friend' stage."

Cupping Erik's jaw with his hand, Charles lent in for a short kiss.

"True, although you know that we can't admit to it, the government hates lovers like us."

"The government are dickheads. One day, we will admit it." Erik murmured.

"One day." Charles repeated, kissing Erik once more.


"What are the Professor and Magneto?" Jean asked.

"Close friends," Hank suggested.

"Besties." Logan laughed.

"Colleagues." Psylocke announced.

"Rivals?" Kurt asked.

"Brothers." Raven stated.

"Good pals." Alex responded.

The suggestions went on and on. The two men were called anything but lovers, as after all the government hates it when men call each other lovers.


June 26th 2015. The day it all changed.

"How many years of hiding has it been?" Charles whispered.

"Too many." Erik smiled.


"Well then, I suppose it's our time to shine." Erik grinned.

"That was the most unimaginative proposal ever." Charles snorted.

Erik grinned down at him, then sunk down onto one knee, a small box open in his hand.
"Will you have me as your husband for the rest of your life?" He asked.

"Yes darling, I will." Charles chuckled, leaning forward to take Erik's head in his hands before pressing a tender kiss to his lips.


Even after 60 years together, 7 of which they had been married, no one had figured it out.  They didn't mind that, they had gotten so used to hiding, it just felt natural. Not many people knew, apart from their children and grandchildren.

"Hey dad, papa." Peter murmured, hugging his parents one at a time.

"Hello Peter." Charles smiled.

"Good to see you kiddo." Erik grinned.

Sitting down on the couch, Peter asked "I have a question."

"Go ahead." Charles smiled, transferring himself from his wheelchair onto the sofa with some help from Erik.

"Why are you so secretive about your relationship?" Peter asked.

"We've been used to hiding our whole lives, it's just become the normal thing." Erik shrugged, sitting down next to his husband.

"Some things may have not been ok back then, but they're ok now," Peter stated, "you don't need to be afraid to call each other your husband now."

Wrapping his arm around Charles' shoulders, Erik whispered "maybe he's right."

"Maybe he's right." Charles echoed, almost unable to believe it.

"Come on, I can't wait to see the shocked looks on everyone's faces." Peter smirked before dashing off.

Gazing into each other's eyes, Erik and Charles smiled. Leaning towards each other, their lips met in a short, sweet kiss.


"Who are those small kids who visit Charles and Erik at least once a week?" Hank asked.

"I think they're Erik's grandchildren?" Raven stated.

"But why would they want to see Charles too?" Scott asked, "they're just friends so it doesn't make any sense."

Two small figures ran up the stairs, bouncing with excitement. Charles wheeled himself out of his office and called "Billy, Tommy, good to see you my boys."

"Grandad!" They called, rushing over and hugging Charles.

"Grandad?" Hank asked.

Elegantly, Erik walked out of the office and smiled, "what about me?"

"Grandpa!" They squealed, letting go of Charles to hug Erik.

Charles chuckled "are you alright Hank, you look extremely confused?"

"They called you grandad?"

"Yes, my grandchildren call me grandad." Charles stated.

Erik looked up sharply then beamed over at Charles. The twins gasped "Grandad..."

"But aren't they Erik's grandkids?" Hank asked.

"They are OUR grandchildren." Erik announced.

The cogs in Hank's head were turning rapidly. It doesn't take a scholar to understand what was implied but then again, Hank could sometimes be a little slow when it came to things like this.

"I thought you were just friends!" Raven exclaimed loudly.

"40 years of living together, 7 years with matching wedding bands. Just friends don't live like that. They don't look at each other with love in their eyes. With the hope that they can settle down together for the rest of their lives. Just friends don't do that, but a couple of 60 years do." Charles smiled, his hand finding Erik's, their fingers intertwining.

"Why the hiding?" Hank asked.

Erik raised his eyebrow, "the government hates lovers."

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