Study Stress

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Charles groaned with frustration and hit his head on his desk. His maths homework was stressing the shit out of him; he had a history essay due in 2 days and 3 tests to revise for. Sighing deeply, he picked up his copy on Macbeth and began reading through it, noting down key quotations as he went.

He managed to get through 3 scenes before he turned back to his maths homework to reattempt the question on fucking line graphs.

"For fucks sake." He cursed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. The pile of homework looming over him grinned at him devilishly.

"How the fuck do you do thid again?" Charles muttered to himself, staring at the paper.

He was struggling to think, the stress clouded his mind and his hands trembled as the anxiety pooled in the bottom of his stomach.

"Stupid fucking GCSEs."

A hand rested on his shoulder making him jump. The teenager whose hand it was chuckled "well that's your fault for picking all the hard subjects Charles."

"Fuck off." Charles growled, not in the mood for his boyfriend's loving teasing.

Realising that it wasn't the time to joke, Erik pulled a chair next to Charles and sat down before pulling him into his arms.

"Hey it'll be alright." Erik whispered, soothingly rubbing Charles' back.

Charles melted into the hug. Clutching Erik tightly he mumbled "love you."

Erik smiled "I love you too."

He pressed their lips together in a tender kiss leaving Charles in a blushing mess.

"As much as I am enjoying kissing you, I have a mountain of homework and revision to do." Charles sighed.

"Charles you need to take a break every so often, take your glasses off - as I really want to make out with you - and it will allow you to rest your eyes before I help you finish your homework then help you study." Erik announced.

Charles was about to protest however he supposed that Erik did have a point. Exhaling deeply, he took his reading glasses off and set them down on top of his book. After stretching with cat-like elegance, Charles climbed onto Erik's lap - a stupidly wide grin on his face.

"You do provide the most... enticing distractions." Charles smirked.

Erik cupped Charles' face with his hands, "you need to rest from time to time, I don't want you to burn yourself out."

Charles nodded, he supposed that Erik had a point. Sliding his fingers into the short locks of his boyfriend's mousy brown hair, Charles kissed Erik delicately, as though he were made of porcelain.

Erik grinned and deepened the kiss, his tongue fighting to assert its dominance. A quiet groan was drawn out of Charles' throat as they continued to kiss each other with a passionate fury.

Panting, they grinned at each other.

"That was amazing."

"Agreed." Erik responded, slightly breathless.

"Thank you Erik." Charles whispered.

Erik kissed Charles again, "you don't need to thank me."

Charles nodded, "I do, you put up with me, you help me when I'm stressed, you're always there for you. I'm sorry I'm not as good at that."

Erik held Charles close "Charles, I don't deserve you. You are perfect, you do all that you can to make sure I am alright without even thinking about yourself. Let me think about you for you. Let me care for you. Let me help you through your hard times. Let me love you."

Charles had no words. What he did have, were actions. And since actions speak louder than words, he kissed Erik, pouring in all the love, devotion, and gratefulness he had for the man. Thankfully Erik understood. He kissed Charles deeply, his newfound passion desperate to show Charles how much he meant to him. Charles also understood.

They understood each other. That was the best thing about them, they were remarkably good at understanding how the other felt. It was as though they were a jigsaw puzzle that for together effortlessly, if you want a complete picture, you'd need both pieces. Well that was how it was for them, if they had each other, their hearts felt complete.

"I love you so much." Charles whispered.

"I love you too." Erik responded before bringing them together in another deep kiss.

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