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Erik's POV

Charles and I had been on the road, rounding up mutants for over a week now. Sometimes it was fun, other times it was stressful. We had just pursued a mutant named Darwin to join our team. Darwin was able to adapt to survive what comes his way. It is definitely an interesting mutation.

We walked into the hotel and I sighed, I looked forward to flopping down on a real bed.

"Hello can we have a room for two please?" Charles asked.

He was the sweetest person ever. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"I'm afraid we are very busy tonight, the only available room has one double bed." The receptionist said.

"Are you ok with sharing a bed Erik?" Charles asked telepathically.

I shrugged, to be honest I wasn't ok with it. I didn't want to say or do something that I will regret. My friendship with the smaller man is the most important thing in the world - I can't ruin it because of my silly romantic attraction to him. However I didn't want to be a pain so I mumbled "we'll take it."

Charles smiled at me - oh lord his smile it makes my knees go weak.

"Room 10 is free for you then." The receptionist grinned.

Charles and I walked to the room in silence. After opening the door, I walked on and sat down on the bed. Charles sat next to me and I muttered "you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Don't be silly Erik, there's plenty of space for both of us, besides were just friends it won't be weird." He grinned, hugging me.

Just friends. Those words hit me like a bullet. I pushed him off me then sprang off the bed.

"Are we though? Are we just friends? Sometimes you act like like you hate me while other times you act like we're a couple who's been together for 6 years and I'm the only person you want to spend time with." I shouted.

Anger burst out of me, I couldn't help it. I had been keeping it in me for weeks. Anger because of my mother's death, because the man I loved called me just his friend and anger that despite everything, i wouldn't be able to kill Shaw as I could risk losing Charles.

The metal bedframes twisted around Charles, holding him down. "Erik." He gasped, struggling to breathe.

What was I doing that was the man I loved, but I couldn't stop it, my anger would not stop gushing out of me in waves.

Suddenly it stopped. The bedframe returned to normal and I felt calm. I looked up confused. I saw that Charles had his index finger and middle finger to his temple. I realised that he must have been trying to calm me down.

"Erik, how do you feel about me?" He whispered hoarsly.

I strided over towards him and kissed him roughly on the lips. After a moment, I pulled away. "That's how I feel Charles." I murmured.

He was staring up at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Darling, if only you had told me." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, terrified that I had messed everything up.

"I love you Erik."

I stared at him.

"What?" I gasped.

"I love you Erik, I just handled my feelings differently to you." He whispered.

He stood up and walked over to me. He pulled me down by my tie and smashed his lips against mine. After the shock had worn off, I kissed him back.

When we broke apart, Charles giggled - it was a magical sound.

"Will you sleep in the same bed as me now?"

"Yes, I will." I grinned.

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