Chapter 2: One more week

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Maya was in disbelief as to what she was hearing. She thought it must’ve been a joke. A trick!

“Is this a joke?” Maya asked.

“No." Roman said with a straight face.

"We'll give you 2 weeks to think about it." Dean said.

“Great, that gives you 2 weeks to convince me to join of you do then it’s a deal.” Maya said.

  All 3 men looked at one another shocked. No one had to ever tell The Shield to convince them of something. Maya left out the ring smiled and winked at the men as she went backstage. She enjoyed Raw as there were many congratulations passed her way and she managed to start a beautiful close bonding friendship with A.J Lee. A.J drove herself and Maya to their hotel and they’d be sharing a room. They ran in the room ready to set up April’s PlayStation.

“Want to play?” April asked.

“Got Call Of Duty?”

“You insult me! Ha!” April teased.

April had every game she had ever owned in one big suitcase.

"Oh my God am I in game heaven?” Maya exclaimed.

  April pulled out the game and the women played it for more than half the night. Finally, they decided to get ready for bed.

“So The Shield.” April said raising her eyebrows.

Both girls started laughing.

“They’re kinda cute.” Maya said shyly.

“Ha! Those men are smoking hot!” April yelled.

Both women laughed again.

"It was kind of unexpected because I just made my debut and talked to Seth right before I went in the locker room." Maya explained as she got under the covers.

“Well be careful.” April said.

   Maya wanted to ask her about it, but then she heard light snoring. She fell asleep and woke up around 7 to get dressed so they wouldn’t miss their flight to the next city, New York. Maya was wearing a brown crop top and blue jeans and with brown sandals. While April wore black jeans, with red converses and a shirt with animé characters on it. They took a picture together and left the hotel to catch their flight. Maya and April got their tickets at different times so they were both sitting separate. This was Maya’s first time on a plane she was beyond nervous and afraid she heard stories and everything about planes. She was shaking terribly as someone sat next to her strapping themselves in.

“Hey Kiddo it’s Maya right?” someone asked.

Maya nodded and turned to see the tan, charming, bleach blonde, Dolph Ziggler.

“First time on a plane?” the he asked his voice calm and soothing.

Maya only nodded again still shaking. Dolph grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

“No need to fear. The Zig man is here.” Dolph said.

   Maya laughed and he calmed her nerves a bit. That was shirt lived when the captain announced they’re taking off and Maya squeezed Dolph’s hand  and he grunted in pain. Dolph takes to Maya until she fell asleep and even then he still held on to her hand they were basically best friends in Maya’s book. What seemed like never ending flight it was finally over. Maya grabbed her bags and waited for April when she seen she was on the phone.

“On the phone with your boo?” Maya asked.

April giggled and nodded.

   Maya was on her phone and felt someone is looking at her. She looked up to see Dean Ambrose he was so focused on her. She waved to him, but he only looked away. Maya’s phone started ringing and it was her mother. She was in a debate with herself if she should answer it or not.

“Hello” Maya greeted.

“Hey sweetheart!” he mother boomed through the phone as Maya took her ear away slightly.

“Hey ma.”

“I watched Raw!”

“What you think?”

“You did amazing! I knew putting you in those wrestling classes wasn’t a waste of money.”

“Well I have to go before my ride leaves me.”

“Alright love you.”

“I love you too mommy.”

   Maya hung up the phone. Her mother wasn’t very supportive of her dream in fact her mother tried to kill her dream so many times. Maya pulled through though she had to, it’s what she wanted. As Maya went outside she seen April drive off and pulling up was The Shield.

“Need a ride?” Roman asked smirking as he rolled down the window.

   Before Maya could answer she was pushed out of the way by Summer Rae. She was wearing a incredibly too short skirt and too tight shirt.

“Hey Ro, Sethy and where’s Deany?” Summer asked as Maya snickered.

Roman rolled down the back window to reveal Dean Ambrose, clearly annoyed.

“Sorry Summer can’t talk right now.” Dean said quickly.

“Well Maya?” Dean asked.

“Yeah, I’d love one.”

  Maya pushed Summer out the way. As she got in the back with Dean. She winked at Summer as she drive off in the car with Dean, Roman and Seth.

“So Maya can you tell us about yourself?” Seth asked.

“Not much to know. I like pizza and love wrestling. One brother and one sister. Not much to know.” Maya answered shyly.

“Oh and I love video games. Like pew pew!” Maya made the sound effects making everyone laugh.

“What time do we have to be at the arena?” Maya asked.

“Between 11 and 4.” Seth informed her.

Suddenly, Maya’s thoughts started focusing on the timing they came.

“How’d you know I’d need a ride?” Maya asked.

Everyone almost went quiet.

“We seen April drive away and we were coming this way. So why not.” Dean answered.


   It was time for Raw to begin and Maya had a match against Brie Bella. Brie was mainly taking over she did a running kick on the back of Maya’s head knocking her down. Brie went for the pin and Maya kicked out at one. Brie pulled Maya up by her hair and Maya quickly hit her with a close line when Brie got up Maya hit her with a spinning kick sending her over the top rope. Maya was getting out of the ring to get Brie when a theme song hit.







The Shield!

  Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns all came down the steps the crowd went into an uproar. Maya looked at them quickly, but ignored them. Brie and Nikki looked at one another quickly, worry spread across their face. The Shield sat at commentary from time to time she looked at them. Finally, she went to the top rope and slammed her body onto Brie’s and Maya went for the pin.

   The referee hit his hand against the mat twice and Brie kicked out. Maya walked in a small circle in frustration then her eyes rested on Roman she smiled slightly. Maya’s attention went back to Brie only to be hit with a kick from Brie. Maya fell to the ground once more and got back up and speared Brie she went for the pin and the referee hit the mat three times symbolizing that she won the match.

   Maya’s hands were risen in victory. The Shield entered the ring and Roman smiled at Maya.
“Not bad.” Roman said chuckling.

“Not bad.” He repeated.

“One more week.” Ambrose said.

Maya’s music started playing again and she walked backstage. She was walking towards catering when she was being called.

“Hey Maya!” someone called.

She turned to see Randy. They hugged and he held her shoulders.

“You did amazing out there.” Randy complimented.

“Thank you.” Maya thanked and smiled.

“I hope you make the right decision.” Randy said.

He let go of Maya’s shoulders and walked away.

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