Chapter 38: Me?

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That picture is too cute. But I do have a serious issue concerning this book. I am now starting school and I'm a freshman and if I wanted to update on my regular days I could but my mom is being difficult. I'm in school for 8 hours and as soon as I get home she tells me I have to turn in my phone for 2 hours so I now have 10 hours without my phone. Also at 10 she is also taking my phone again bullshit I know but that's leaving me with 4 hours with my phone. I'm obviously pissed at this whole fuxking situation is so please forgive me if I don't update on time. I really am gonna try but I love y'all and I really appreciate y u sticking with me with this book. But I'm happy to announce that in 2020 my mans Mr.West is running for president but back on with your regularly scheduled book.

I pulled Jon into my room, I was rooming alone.

"What do you mean she broke up with you because of me?" I asked having a seat on the couch.

"She didn't like how close I was with you" Jon said and he never made eye contact with me.

"I thought you loved her?" I questioned as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I do" he answered simply.

"So I'll talk to her. I'll sort everything out and you can be happy again" I said getting up and walking towards the door but he caught my arm.

"No Maya" Jon said and I turned around.

"Alright" I said not pressing on the matter and hugged him he's probably heartbroken and he hugged me back.

"I have to shower and change maybe we can watch a movie" I said and smiled as Jon nodded.

I got some night clothes and went into the bathroom and took and shower and did the rest of my business and came out the bathroom to see Jon leaning over on the bed opposite direction of me. There was Also a pizza on the bed and I walked over and sat next to Jon.

"You okay?" I asked him and he put his hand on mine and I intertwined our fingers and gave him a squeeze.

"Maya I-" Jon started but stopped mid sentence as he looked at me.

"You what?" I asked looking into his beautiful blue eyes as he looked in mine I felt my heart beat faster.

"I found a movie" Jon said and I nodded.

"What movie?" I asked getting comfy on the bed as did Jon.

"Avengers" Jon informed me.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked looking at me.

"I kind of seen all of them with Adrian" I mumbled looking at Jon.

"When?" He asked.

"Probably a couple of weeks ago" I said.

"How about this" Jon said clicking on a movie I didn't even get to see the name if it.

This man clicked on a scary movie now I won't be able to sleep.

"You sleep?" Jon asked me he was shirtless and in his boxers with a pillow in between us.

"No Jon. Why did you have to turn that sh*t on?" I snapped and I heard him laughing.

"It's not funny" I snapped again and he snickered and I got up out of the bed and threw on a jacket.

"Maya where are you going?" Jon asked.

I ignored him answer walked to the door.  Then I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me I turned my head slightly to see Jon.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to scare you" he said and I turned around not looking at him.

"I'll make Sure the monsters don't get you" Jon said jokingly and I just looked at him.

"Fine do this the hard way" Jon said and unzipped my jacket and before I could do anything I was on his shoulder.

"Trust me" He said softly as he sat me down on the bed.

I went and crawled next to him in the bed wrapping my arm around him tightly as he wrapped his arm around me. It took me a few minutes but I was out and woke up to sunlight.

I have a match with Alicia Fox as she came down with team Bella. She got in the ring and I looked over at my 'team' Randy was at commentary and Seth on the other side as J&J stood next to Seth. Foxy and I locked up it was a good match but then Dean with Roman came out and weird enough and started cheering for me at ringside. Brie interfered and foxy won the match as Seth and Randy started yelling at Dean and Roman. Then it was a brawl I broke it up and then Randy grabbed me as we moves backstage.

"Kane! You can't let that go unpunished!" Seth yelled.

"You're right! So you and Randy Orton will have a match Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns" Kane announced as Seth mumbled leaving out the room as the crowd cheered.

"Hey man calm down" Randy said walking after Seth.

"Ya know good match up" I complimented Kane.

"I know What's gonna make it better?" Kane questioned.

"What?" I asked picking up Seth's briefcase.

"You're the guest referee" Kane said and the crowd cheered louder.

"Kane you're joking right?" I asked I didn't want to get in the middle of them again.

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'.

I glared at him leaving out the room. About 2 matches later it was time for our match as my new theme song hit.

Bang on the drum like dum diddy day
(Guess the song)
I like the dirty rhythm you play

I came and walked out to the ramp. I wore my referee outfit and it showed it little bit more cleavage than what I would like. My shorts were cut low my goodness who's idea was it to make me wear this knowing my butt was probaly...I don't know. Seth came out with J&J behind him as he entered the ring. I seen him eye me from the corner of my eye.

I hear voices in my head
They talk to me they understand

Randy came to the ring and smirked at me as I glared at him quickly. Then Romans m usic hit and he came down the steps and got in the ring as Dean's music hit. 10 minutes into the match and a lot was going on so I got distracted, almost got hit twice and got dirty looks. J&J got my attention and I looked at them as Dean went for the pin. Seth kicked out at 2 J&J security interfered and I had to call off the match. Seth pulled me with him as he ran and we were backstage he had to do a segment then Smackdown was over.

After that Leighla ran to Seth as I walked away. Triple H isn't here today so Monday I have a bone to pick with him. I've gone threw enough with these past 6 months. I can only take so much I'm 18 then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" Neville asked as I looked at him.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"You'll be alright" Neville encouraged and I nodded on his chest.

"Sometimes all you need to say or think is it's gonna get better" Neville said as if he was reading my mind.

"Thank you Adrian" I mumbled in his chest. I went and changed to my regular clothes and from the corner of my eye I seen Colby looking at me but I paid no mind and kept walking to my car.

I got in my car as the passengers door opened.

"Hey princess" Jon said getting in the car as he started the heat.

"Hi" I said sleepily as I rubbed my eyes.

"What was with that little outfit tonight?" Jon asked as we sat in the car letting it heavy up.

"I don't even know. It was just given to me" I explained to Jon and laughed.

"You should drive" I informed Jon and he nodded as I went to his seat and he took mine.

"Night princess" Jon spoke as I looked at him with my eyes slowly closing.

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