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I woke up at 9am and did my hygiene. And got dressed I would be going to the gym later but now I just needed some time to think. I put on some white pants and a white crop top followed by some white vans. I built up the courage to walk out of my room only to bump into someone. Last second the caught my arm preventing me from falling. I look up and see Colby I forgot I was rooming with him. Along with me he was already dressed and was wearing all white.

"I remember we were in a position like this when we first met" Colby spoke.

He helped me up his hands accidentally touching my bare skin making my heart skip a beat as I tensed.

"I'm sorry" he apologized quickly and I nodded.

I walked past him and I felt his eyes glue to me as I grabbed the room key.

"Maya, please talk to me" he shouted after me.

I walked out of the room and made my way to the elevator a body rushed in the elevator after me.

"I don't know what I did" he said as I ignored him an pushed the first floor.

He groaned and pressed for button as the elevator abruptly.

"Colby what did you do!" I yelled as I banged against the elevator door.

"Please...Maya I need you" I heard his voice crack and my eyes quickly brimmed with tears as my head rests against the elevator door.

"Maya you're the only one who understands me" Colby started.

"We've been in this since the beginning" he spoke once more.

"Maya you, I watched you grow from a 17 just a teenager trying to find her way. Trying to make a difference then I got to know you. You're more than just looks you're funny, beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful" Colby said.

I slightly turned from the elevator door to look at him his eyes were red as tears fell down.

"The-then I learned about everything you went through. Maya you didn't deserve it you're such a beautiful soul. Then when you lost your-" he stopped mid sentence as his voice started cracking again and I knew what he was talking about.

"My brother" I spoke as my voice starts cracking after that.

"When you lost him Maya I seen you lose yourself. You drifted into a deep depression again and it hurt me a much a it did you. I watched you lose yourself more an more and I couldn't bare it. My point is we've been through a lot. I know people hurt you and...even I hurt you, especially if your not speaking to me" Colby said.

I looked at him as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Colbs" I started.

"I've just had a lot on my mind" I finished as the elevator music died down.

"We'll have someone here to fix the elevator in 20 minutes" a woman spoke.

"Alright. Can you turn off this awful music please?" I asked the woman as I heard Colby stiffle a laugh.

"Okay. Ring me if you need me" the woman said and her voice was no longer heard.

I looked up at Colby as I sat next to him, so much for staying away from him. I wiped the tears from his eyes and laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist. We sat there in a comfortable silence for 5 minutes before Colby spoke up.

"I'm scared Maya, what if being the World Heavyweight Champion isn't cut out for me" Colby expressed.

"You worked so hard for that belt Colbs, it looks good on you. You put in so much been through so much this belt is for you" I said and smiled at him a he did me then his phone started flashing indicating that he received this message. He smirked at his message and quickly put it down.

"Sorry it was my brother" he said.

"You have a brother?" I asked and he nodded his head while he rubbed his face.

"That's cute" I mumbled as he looked at me.

"Wanna join me to lunch?" I asked Colby.

"I'll pay for offered" and I shook my head.

"We'll fight about this after we're out of the elevator" I laughed a did he.

"We're gonna be in Ohio in 2 weeks a I want you to meet my family" he said and I nodded.

"Should be fun" I said after that the elevator bounced lightly as it started moving again.

I felt his hand brush against mine making my heart skip a beat.

"Maya" he said taking both of my hands and I looked up at him.

"I just felt like I was missing a part of my while you were gone, just don't ever do that again" he informed me hoping I'd promise him.

I looked in his eyes which seemed I admired the loved then the elevator door knocked me out of my trance.
Our hands quickly removed from each others we looked out the door and seen Leighla as she ran into Colby's arms.

"I'll go" I said and left the elevator.

"Maya" Seth called after me but I ignored him as I ran into Dolph.

"Hey babe" he greeted and I smiled.

"Hey Dolph you wanna go out to lunch I'm paying" I said and he immediately agreed.

The start off of Raw and I walked out with J&J and Seth. I slid my way to commentary shortly after they got in. Not even a second later Brock stormed out destroying everything and trying to get to Seth. Seth was pulling me but then a strong force pulled me away and I landed softly on the ground. I seen Seth scurry away as I looked at Brock he flipped over the commentary table and then put me over top of his shoulder as he got in the ring I kicked and punched and he only budged once but I he had a tight grip on me.

Paul Haymen was yelling at him to stop and I only feared for the worst. Then he out me down and I landed on my bad ankle the wrong way. Brock then did a Suplex on an camera man, a cameraman who's only trying to do his job. He turned his attention to me once more as I heard familiar music hit it was Romans hrntried to quickly come down the steps the fans hands blocking his was and some bodies, but he was too late Brock had me over his shoulder and was at the entrance door as Stephanie yelled at him from the outside with the microphone.

Paul had to convince everyone Brock wasn't going to hurt me as I was carried to his locker room and Paul stood outside the door as Brock closed it. He looked at me from head to toe and I looked past him anywhere but at him.

"Sweetheart, let me tell you I'm not going to hurt you. I see why you "brothers" make such a big deal out of you, one of the sexist women I've seen on this roster" he said using quotation marks for brothers.

"You're the only way I can get what I want and that's my rematch. So sit back and relax this is going to be a long night" he said taking a seat not to far from me.

Thanks for running away Seth.

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