Chapter 5: Bonding

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Double update ☺
Maya's ring gear in the media 

Maya has more friends but they're limited. Maya, A.J and a new girl Paige are currently having a prank war against Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

"Look they could be planning anything." Maya stated.

"So what's the plan?" A.J asked.

"Now see that's where our amazing minds combine." I said and they laughed.

"Okay say the first thing that comes to your mind." Paige suggested in the month of Paige being here Maya has become very close with her.

"Food." Maya said.

"Bucket." Paige said.

"Record." A.J said.

All the girls laughed as they fell back on the bed. Paige got pie as A.J got the password to the wwe YouTube page.

"Hey can you and the guys help me, I'm outside and I got too many bags." Maya complained in the phone to Roman.

"Sure princess." Roman said.

Paige was on the ledge holding a bucket of water as soon as the guys were in the right place Maya pushed pie in all of their faces.

"Whoops." Maya said innocently and the guys laughed and groaned.

"Here let my friend help." Maya said as the guys looked up Paige dumped the large bucket of cold water on them.

"We're going to get you good for this!" Roman yelled as Maya and A.J ran upstairs into their hotel room.

"That was priceless." Paige said laughing her butt off.

After the girls finished laughing they changed their clothes and got ready for a workout. Each girl grabbed their headphones, phones and ponytail holders. They all left down in the elevator to the hotel's gym. Randy every now and then helped Maya with a few pointers leaving Ambrose and Rollins to watch him closely. Dolph and Maya became really close she basically tell him everything well almost everything.

"Then you wrap your arm around them like this." Randy said taking Maya's arm around his neck.

"Move your body on the ropes hop off and then bam 3 count." Randy said making Maya laugh.

"Thanks Randy." Maya said and hugged him.

"The guys wanna take a look around while it's still early." Maya informed him.

"Have fun see you later." Randy said as Maya ran out of gym.

Maya ran into her room took a shower and changed into a purple T-shirt and some shorts with a purple and and white shirt wrapped around her waist. Maya knocked on the door and was engulfed in a hug by Roman.

"Ready?" Maya asked admiring their hotel room.

3 hours later

Maya, Dean, Seth and Roman ran into a lot of wwe fans. They didn't really mind at all. Maya put on her short sleeve crop top with pants like Roman has just in a girl version. She put on and tied up her black and white Jordan's then straitened her hair. Maya thought she looked fine but was a little insecure about everything. She walked out into the hallway where Roman, Dean and Seth were waiting patiently.

"Wow." Dean spoke as the guys stared at her.

"You look amazing." Seth complimented Maya.

"Thanks." Maya said shyly just then a few guards came to them pushing all of them into the elevator.

Maya felt uncomfortable with the whole situation being rushed. Roman grabbed Maya's hand as they rushed through the fans that wanted to watch them come out. The fans stopped at a certain part as Seth, Dean and Roman were handed water bottles to wet their hair. Maya sat against the wall to calm her nerves. Then Seth came up to her sticking his hand out for her to take and she did gladly.

"Don't worry they'll have to take us all down to get to you. We won't let anyone hurt you." Seth whispered in Maya's ear and she sent a smile his way.

They lined up Maya was to walk side by side with Roman as Dean was behind Roman and Seth behind Maya.

The Shield!

They walked down the steps fist bumping people from all over. It was weird to Maya at first but she got use to it. They jumped over the barricade they all got Mic's as Roman sat on the ropes lowering it for Maya as she climbed into the ring. Roman got up and Seth and Dean climbed in the ring.

"Bray Wyatt you and these riddles." Seth started and it caught the crowds attention having cheers come from all over.

"You keep going on about how we're suppose to fear you. Wanna know a secret we're not afraid of you or your family. So you can stop with the riddles because no one understands it and night one cares!" Dean said lowering and raising his voice with each word having a crazy look in his eyes sending chills down Maya's spine but making the crowd go nuts.

"Now Tamina." Maya started.

"I get it You're intimidated by a 17 year old girl. I've never known a grown man to be scared of a 17 year old before ya know." Maya said and the crowd went in ooo's.

"Bray you and your delusional family can get over it. Keep running your mouth and a fist is gonna end up in it." Roman said the crowd went wild. Then Summer's music hit having Maya roll her eyes.

Come to me!
Come's to me!

Rosa and Eva accompanied Summer as Dean, Seth and Roman stood ringside. Seth, Roman and Dean stood opposite of the girls. They only focused on Maya. Summer Rae entered the ring as she looked at Dean. Maya rolled her eyes once more and looked over to see Eva and Rosa making googly eyes at Seth and Roman.

The ref rang the bell and Summer jumped on Maya. Summer punched all over Maya. Maya managed to grab the bottom rope so Summer had to get off of Maya or the match would've been called off. Maya regained her strength and as Summer tried to run at her Maya sent a close line her way. Maya was so caught up in match she didn't notice Eva and Rosa making their way to Roman.

Summer had Maya's arms wrapped up around her neck as her legs were on Maya's back causing her pain. Then Maya lifted up her legs on her toes and Summer's body slid as Maya jumped over Summer and got her arms untwisted. Maya had to fix her shoulder or at least make it feel better. Maya then noticed that the guys were near the ramp as they were about to walk up as Rosa and Eva were touching their muscles. Just as Maya was about to say something Summer tried to pin her and Maya kicked out at one she pushed Summer in the corner and ran to her just in time Summer got out of the way causing Maya to go shoulder first.

Summer rolled out of the ring and pushed her lips to Dean's as if on cue Eva and Rosa did the same to Seth and Roman.

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