Chapter 35: Oh...

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My bae slaying my life in that picture just saying. Also if you want a double update comment so I can work on it over the weekend and update some time this weekend or do a double update Monday or today.

It was Monday and Maya had a full day planned out until they had to go to work. The day was gonna have some of her friends in it consisting of Paige, A.J, Foxy and possibly the Bella twins if they didn't back out, then Wade, Dolph, Neville, Dean, Seth and Roman. Maya knocked on Jon, Joe and Colby's hotel door and waited patiently After a minute Roman answered it.

"Hey princess" Roman greeted as Maya came in.

"Hi Roman" Maya cheered walking in as Roman closed the door.

"Where are the guys?" Maya asked following Roman into the kitchen.

"Probably fussing again" Roman suggested chuckling.

"Do they do that a lot?"Maya asked Roman as he flipped a pancake.

"It's usually over stupid stuff so it's like 50/50" Roman explained and Maya giggled.

"I'm going to go see what they're fussing about" Maya told Roman as she left the room while hearing him laugh.

Maya walked down the hall of this amazing hotel room to one of the boys rooms.

"Jon that's my shoe!" Colby yelled as Maya entered the room and sat down on the messy bed.

"No it's mine you butt!" Jon yelled back at Colby.

"No mine you squid!" Colby yelled back Jon.

Maya was trying to Hold back her laughs but it was getting harder by the minute.

"Let me see this Damn shoe!" Maya yelled getting up and taking the shoe. The shoe was a size 12 and Maya had a thought.

"Roman was size shoe do you wear?" Maya yelled down the hall.

"12" Roman yelled back informing her.

"Yeah this is Roman's shoe and it's part of his style too" Maya said and giggled.

"Why?" Roman asked yelling again.

"They were fighting over your shoe!" Maya yelled informing Roman and grabbed both Colby and Jon dragging them to the kitchen.

"So I have a whole day planned for a group of us" Maya started.

All the guys looked at each other they had other plans.

"Okay so first we go paintballing" Maya informed them.

"We-" Jon started but Maya continued talking.

"Then we're gonna go lasertagging" She added.

"Babe-" Colby started but Maya cut him off.

"Then we go to get lunch we're all gonna split it equally" Maya said still giving them information on today.

"And-" Maya started but Roman.

"Sorry princess but we have plans today" Roman blurted loudly.

Maya was taken back a bit but nothing to big. "Sorry I should've asked you if you had plans. I just thought since I came back that'd you want to do something together" Maya explained sadly as she arose from the chair she was sitting on. "Sorry Maya" they apologized at the same time.

"It's fine" Maya lied she really did miss her boys and she wanted to hang out with them. "Renee and I are going out for dinner" Jon informed Maya. "Leighla and I are going out to" Colby informed Maya as Well. "Yeah and I have a date" Roman informed Maya lastly. "I hope you guys have fun" Maya encouraged and left out the apartment without saying goodbye.

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