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Ayo fam let me tell you I'm pissed like I'm soooooooo happy Zarah got fired because before I found out that she was racist and everything I was about to put her in my book but nevermind. She's just no and I usually don't do this but it's pissing me off how even before she got fired it took WWE like 2 years to see all this racist sh!t and yeah I did my research and I'm gonna put a picture in the media of other ways she was racist not just because of the nazi picture which pissed off a lot of mother fuxking people. Then it's making me mad because she's not only offending people of their religion but because of their race. I can tell y'all right now I am an African American and me being the way I am people have called me and judged me because of my skin AND I'M ONLY 14. So yeah sometimes you get offended and sometimes you get hurt but the thing is I had WWE as my escape along with a few other things but this is utter bullish!t. So you see how our wwe family got together to get that racist girl outta wwe. So for all of you who stood up for your beliefs for WWE I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry to all of you who thought this was a double update I promise I'll try to have another chapter by Monday I really do love you all and WWE is coming here Monday here as in being Baltimore, Maryland. The only thing is I don't have my tickets but I guess I'll be watching from home again....how fun. But if any of you who are Zarah lovers I'm sorry but this I'd just how I feel. If you want more info on how she was being racist and got fired just look her up on twitter.

Love ya guys once again❤. See ya on the flip side.

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