Chapter 52: Do it

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Morning arose and I got up. I walked to the bathroom showered did all my hygienics and changed into my gym clothes. I changed into a sports bra and Nike shorts put a t shirt on over my sports bra and went downstairs to the gym. I worked on my weights for about 2 hours then moved to my flexibility for another 2 hours by this time it's 8am.

"Early bird gets the worm." someone said to me I turned around and seen Dean I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him.

"Maya!" he called after me and I walked faster.

Instead of me going to my hotel room again I went outside the hotel. Despite the rainy weather I ran outside I was going to ran around the block a few times.

"Maya." I heard Dean call my name again I ignored him again and started my run.

I ran around the block once before my ankle got sore. I got back to the hotel room and seen Seth, Dean and Roman I greeted Seth and Roman and went to shower.

"See I told you! She's not talking to me!" I heard Dean yell as I removed my clothes and started the water.

I washed my body and dried myself off soon after that I got dressed. I put on my blue crop top with my white cut up jeans and blue converses I grabbed my crutches and my phone and left out my room.

"I'm gone. I'll be back later!" I called out and left out the hotel room ignoring the calls I heard behind me.

I quickly went to the elevator and I texted Dolph I missed him. I was about to walk outside when I realized it's raining harder and it's thundering.

"Crazy weather." I heard a deep voice say I knew it was Roman and I looked at him kindly.

"Yeah. Never seen so much rain except-" I stopped myself before I could even think of the horrid event.

"Except?" He questioned looking at me.

"Nothing." I said quickly pushing past the conversation.

"Maya you can tell me anything. You know that right?" Roman informed me and I nodded.

"Can you tell me what happened last night?" Roman asked and I laughed he chuckled.

"Alrighty." I said and explained to him everything beginning to end except when I confessed I loved them.

"Princess take a ride with me?" He asked and I nodded walking with him to the car.

We got in and it rained harder and he slightly cracked the windows to let in the cool breeze coming in.

"We had a friend back in our NXT days. Wonderful, beautiful girl amazing talent and an amazing friend." Roman started and he looked uneasy to speak of the story.

"She met a guy one day and then they started dating a few months. We loved her dearly with our hearts. We noticed that she would end up being a little hurt more and more. Turns out he'd use her body wouldn't text her for hours after and when she wouldn't do it with him...some times he'd force her." Roman said uneasy. "She blamed the bruises from training. I should've known better" I touched Romans hand to calm him slightly.

"One day he broke up with her and she...she went out drinking. I remember getting that call 3 in the morning saying she died from drinking and driving." Romans eyes watered and I quickly brushed the tears away.

Jonee would kill me if she knew this was happening even though she's coming to visit now.

"We could've saved her. Could've stopped him from using her and everything." he said and broke down which led me to cry.

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