Chapter 8: Oh Okay.

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I got bored. So here ya go.
Maya pov

Then a miniachal theme song hit.

"Now since you all are already out here Let's start a match" Kane announced as he had a dramatic pause after the crowd cheered.

"Now!" Kane yelled as Dean, Seth and Roman stood their ground not backing up.

I stood mine too as The Wyatt family and Tamina entered the ring. The ref stood in the middle of us all Dean was starting off the match with Erik Rowan. I tried to focus on the match but every time I looked up Bray was looking at me, he knew. He seen through me or at least I hope not. I tagged myself in the match and pounced on Tamina every time she got up closeline then she got the best and super kicked me. She tried to pin me and I kicked out at 2 that super kick does wonders.

As she rose up in about to get up I put her in a headlock that lasted for 30 seconds before I ran to the ropes and was about to do a running kick when my leg was pulled causing me to land face first. I checked to make Sure my nose wasn't bleeding and it wasn't. I slid back in the ring as Tamina was about to do something else and I looked to the side Seth was fighting Luke Harper. I tagged in Roman and you know Roman when He's on fire. Bray was fighting him by now since I made the tag. About 15 minutes pass and right now we're dominating but losing power.

"Let's go Dean!" I yelled trying to pump him up.

Dean's about to make the tag to but another pulls comes to my leg but I catch myself this time Thanks to the ropes and Roman came and super punched Luke Harper. Seth was I'm the ring as Ambrose was holding his rids.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded closing his eyes tightly.

In the end we all got hurt but still won the match. As we were leaving Bray said it again I knew he knew but how.

"They never leave" he said as we all never turned back and walked down to the medical center.

Everyone had bruised ribs except for me leaving me to help them but so far they're doing pretty good on their own. I was sitting next to Roman in our dressing room as we watched some more of smackdown. 'They never leave' repeated in my head over and over then I felt a tear on my hand.

"Hey you okay?" Seth asked as I was still bent over in the seat.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" I said and rushed quickly out of the room maybe a bit to quick because I ran into someone.

"Sorry" I apologized as I looked up to see Randy.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" Randy asked putting a hand on the side of my arm.

"Yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom" I informed him and he raised his eyebrow at me.

"See you later" I said moving past Randy.

"If you say so" Randy called after me as I rushed to the bathroom.

I got toilet paper and wiped my eyes. I use to and kind of still do struggle with depression, it doesn't have a race or a time or anything it comes for everyone including some that are the toughest. I looked at myself in the mirror and wasn't very happy with what I seen I quickly wiped my eyes again. I hope it didn't look like I was crying and I walked back to our locker room.

"We have to do an interview with Renee" Roman said walking back out the door.

I followed behind them and ran into Dolph on our way to Renee.

"We have to talk" Dolph said and I already knew what for so I just nodded.

"Now joining me ladies and gentleman is the Shield" Renee said as an introduction.

"So how do you feel about these riddles Bray Wyatt has been sending you?" Renee asked moving the mic to Seth first.

"Bray Wyatt likes to play mind games but He's not going to get us like he got everyone down at NXT or even here in the main roster" Seth said. "And if you ask me Luke is a punk he kept coming for Maya distracting us all. But in the end we came up on top like always" Roman said everyone here is well cocky at this moment if you ask me.

"He wants to play dirty that's fine by me guess it's time to get messy" Dean said smirking.

"By the way you look beautiful" Dean added complimenting Renee.

"Thank you. But now Maya moving on to you. You have a big target on your back because of joining the Shield and some vow like Summer Rae, Rosa Mendas and Cameron to take you down how do you feel about that?" Renee asked leaning the mic over to me.

"Like I told Jerry. Doesn't someone have to be on your level to take you down? Summer Rae and her two whatever you want yo calls them friends they can vow all they want because action speaks louder than words so Let's see what they got" I said and smiled innocently.

"What about Tamina how do you feel about her and this Wyatt family situation?" Renee asked.

"You know I think Tamina is afraid because she's never alone or never is relevant for that fact of the matter so the Wyatt family got all the attention so she wanted some and now look at her" I explained to Renee.

"Thanks for your time" Renee said.

"No problem bye Renee" I said and as Dean flirted once more with Renee and Seth and Roman said goodbye Renee and the camera man left.

I basically ran to Dolph's room ignoring the calls from my brothers. I knocked on the door and he opened it right away and closed the door as he pulled me in a hug.

"It's okay" Dolph cooed.

"No it's not how does he know" I cried in Dolph's chest.

"I don't know but you can't keep things like this away from them forever" Dolph said talking about Seth, Roman and Dean.

"I can try" I joked and he chuckled a bit.

"And I can try a face lift but that's a no" Dolph said making me laugh.

"But seriously they need to know" Dolph said still holding me tight.

"I'll tell them. I promise" I whispered into his chest.

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