Chapter 11: Want Crazy!?

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Maya quickly got up and kicked A.J. Maya went for the pin again and A.J kicked out at 2. Both girls were giving it their all but they weren't going to give up yet. Maya and A.J were about the same size but were built different Maya was about a inch or two taller than A.J.

A.J sent a neckbreaker to Maya followed by a cross body as Maya tried to regain herself. Maya finally got herself together and got up only to about to be kicked by A.J. Maya caught A.J's foot and super kicked A.J then grabbed A.J as she put A.J face down and went for the trick Randy showed her, the running dog. After that Maya pinned A.J and she thought she had it but A.J kicked out at a late 2.

A.J was still getting up slowly Maya took the time to get on the top rope and cross bodied A.J. Maya let A.J get up slowly and then she super kicked her again. Maya went for the pin again but then A.J kicked out. Maya didn't know why but she looked at Seth and Maya seen belief in his eyes along in Dean's and Roman's. Then at the worst time possible music hit.

Come to me
Come to me

Maya watched as Summer Rae, Eva Marie and Rosa Mendas came walking down the ramp. A.J was up now and closelined Maya. Maya popped back up and A.J and Maya had the same idea as they tried to drop kick each other. Maya and A.J were in a lot of pain but still fought. Maya rolled off the ring and completely forgot about Summer and her friends.

Maya received kicks and punches as they suddenly stopped. Maya rolled back in the ring only to be kicked in her stomach by A.J. Maya hopped on A.J and got on the top rope before anyone could get her and did on moonsault on A.J Lee. Maya pinned A.J this was going to be it but then the lights went out. The Wyatt family and Tamina came out as the lights came back on. All the girls jumped in the ring distracting Maya as A.J rolled her up and pinned her.

A.J won the match but no one left the ring. A.J stood back to back with Maya as the girls moved closer. Dean, Roman and Seth were already fighting the Wyatt family as A.J and Maya stopped. Then what sounded like a scream of a bird sounded as Paige came and took care of Rosa, Maya took care of Summer and A.J Eva but the numbers game was everywhere. The shields fight stopped as they were separated. They won, Eva Marie, Rosa Mendas, Tamina and Summer Rae.

Paige and A.J slowly went backstage as Bray helped Tamina. Maya was raged she walked over and got a mic.

"You want to try me! I get it your intimidated by me you scared yo! You scared!" Maya said crazily then she started laughing as Roman, Seth and Dean stood behind Maya.

"You wanted the crazy bitch out!" Maya said as she paced back and forth.

"She's out! Watch your back!" Maya said raising her voice with each word.

Then their theme song hit again as Maya left the ring with her her somewhat like brothers behind her.

"Maya. Can I get a word with you?" Renee Young asked as Maya stopped.

"What is it?" Maya said irritated.

"Know what Renee I know why that happened I said it out there they're scared. So they think if they can team up against me and my girls. Hell no and they Sure as hell ain't touching my boys. So they can just cut the bull all together and just say how it is" Maya exclaimed.

"Nice dress" Maya added and walked away.

Maya walked to the dressing room she shared with the boys and sat on the couch.

"Wow that was, different"
Roman spoke and Dean chuckled.

"Looks like I'm rubbing off on you" Dean said smirking as Maya rolled over.

"Anymore matches?" Maya asked. "1 more later and that's it" Seth said informing Maya.

"Good" Maya stretched out on the couch and laid her head on Roman's shoulder.

She thought about it, Maya wasn't going to tell them she was going to let this whole thing blow over. It was time for the other match an hour later and then we walked down again. All three of them were having a match with The Wyatt family the only off thing is that Tamina wasn't there. Maya didn't feel like being asked all these questions so she stood ringside with Dean's title around her waist. Right now it was Dean Ambrose and Erik Rowan.

It was a few minutes in the match and Roman was in with Luke Harper. Luke knocked down Roman and kept him down. Roman really needed a tag and then he started getting pumped. Roman Superman punched Luke Harper and pushed him in the corner giving him numerous of closelines.

"Let's go Roman!" Maya yelled then she clapped her hands in a 3 motion pattern.

Soon the wwe universe joined in on the clapping. Seth got tagged in and dropped kicked Luke immediately then started stomping on him. He went for the pin but Luke kicked out at 2 sending a boot to the face to Seth. That gave him enough time for Luke to make the tag. Bray was in the match 10 minutes later and Seth was still dominating.

Then Bray got ready to put Seth in the sister Abigail Dean and Roman were down as Maya climbed to the side of the ring distracting Bray. He smiled at her as she never took her eyes off his as a smirk grew to Maya's face. Bray dropped Seth as Maya slowly climbed into the ring. Maya was face to face with Bray as Seth moved to the top rope. Bray touched the side where Maya's cuts were as she moved back and from the corner of her eye she seen Seth jump and as he jumped Maya quickly ran out if the ring.

Seth went for the pin and won. Maya got in the ring as she hugged Seth and as the ref brought his hand up in victory. Then Bray appeared and did the sister Abigail to Seth. Dean ran in the ring as Bray did it to him as well. Then the same done to Roman leaving Maya to stand alone she wasn't afraid.

Erik Rowan and Luke Harper got in Luke handing a mic to Bray.

"Come on Maya. Tell them!" Bray poked at Maya.

"Secrets are terrible" Bray spoke again as all three men surrounded Maya.

"You can't hide them forever" Bray said taking a step closer.

"They never leave" Bray said and smirked.

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