Chapter 64: Should've known

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I woke up early in the morning. I checked the other side of the bed to see Jon gone. I checked my phone nothing from him but a text from Finn. He wanted to meet for breakfast and I told him to meet me at my room. I looked on the floor and his shorts and shoes that were once there are gone. I stumbled to the bathroom to do my hygiene and put on some tight fitting jeans and a long sleeve black crop top.

Finn arrived to my room and I grabbed my bags that were full of my clothes. I was so sore and weak I could barely walk but by the grace if God I made it to the car Finn and I are taking. I looked at my phone again nothing from Jon. Finn and I were laughing finishing up our food when I heard a familiar name.

"Jon do you still love me?" I found Renée and she was facing me Jon's back was towards me.

I slowly walked closer. Jon waited a moment before he spoke.

"Of course I do but-" I cut Jon off.

"Then you should be with her and not me. Last night was a mistake" I said.

Tears started to form in my eyes but I fought them. I quickly walked to Finn before I almost fell from being sore but Finn caught me.

"Please stop let me explain" Jon called.

Finn put me in the passengers seat. Sasha and Beckh rushed out to the back of the car and got in their seat. Jon was still running over but Renée stopped him and kissed him. Finn started driving and the drive was quiet. I was texting Roman trying to tell him everything. What do I expect from someone who always hurt me?

We soon arrived to the airport to fly to Ohio. Finn grabbed my hand I hadn't said a word since it happened. I tightened my grip and he put another arm around me. Our flight ended after 5 hours. I carried my bags and waited for the girls at the uber that was going to take us to the hotel. They rushed out the airport and pushed me inside the uber a storm of fans were chasing them. The uber driver drove off without a second thought and drove us to the hotel.

I checked in my room Sasha and I would be sharing a room. I texted Roman and Dolph they were trying to calm my nerves. I finally did it, I confessed my love for not only to Jon but Colby yet I've been ignoring everything from them. Jon just gave me another reason to why I was scared to confess my love for him. He's still madly in love with Renée he will still do any and everything for Renée.

It's funny how Renée and I were once friends joking around backstage for the interviews or just hanging out to the point where this person that we both love has to chose who. Not only him me as well I have to make a choice. I can either be with one of them or neither of them. But who knows if either of them really want me I mean they were in serious relationships before I dropped the 'I love you' bomb. My phone was snatched from my hand knocking me out of my trance I looked up at Sasha.

"You're better than this. So much better than this. Jon he has to show action in attempts to say I love you too because it's what you deserve. And Colby lord only knows what Colby is thinking. I'll try to help you as best as I can do you can stay away from them to get your thoughts together. I'll talk to some other people on the roster to see if they can help" she informed me.

I looked at her a moment before I hugged her tightly. She hugged me tightly back and rubbed mg back in small circles as I cried quietly. There was soon a knock at the door Sasha and I looked at each other.

"Who's there?" Sasha asked walking slowly towards the door.

"It's me, Colby" we heard from the other side of the door.

"What do you need?" She asked opening the door.

"Is Maya here?" His voice sounded concerned.

"I don't know where she is. She told me she wasn't feeling well on the plane and I haven't seen her since" Sasha said.

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