Chapter 49: Unexpected

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Maya POV
Paige and I we're currently at lunch my headache still recovering from last night and I had no memory of it.

"You worried about tonight?" Paige asked me as she spun her straw in her water.

"Yes, but I have to get this informaton for my brother it's like...they can't hold on to that information can they?" I asked desperately.

"I don't know pumpkin" she said sadly.

"Thats something to worry about for later tonight " I said shaking my head.

"OH MY GOD ITS WWE DIVAS MAYA AND PAIGE!!!" I heard a piercing scream say.

Paige and i looked at one another and a storm of people ran over to us. We started taking pictures and signing autographs until it started to get too wild and Paige and I fled to the car. Paige drove us to the arena to prepare for the pay-per-view tonight. It was still early around 2 p.m. because some story lines get changed the day of. I walked into my dressing room locking the door behind me as I sat in the mirror that shines towards me and cried, cried because of everything.

Ambrose and Rollins were going at it from the start hunter thought it'd be a good idea to have me ring side. My heart was thumping so hard against my chest. My hands were shaking little by little. Michael this is all for you echoed inside my head. I paced back and fourth. Dean and Seth both did dropped kicked one another both down and the ref began to count they both looked at me as they slowly began to get up. Dean managed to rise up quickly and did dirty deeds then a theme song hit.

I hear voices in my head
They speak to me they understand
They talk to me

Randy Orton ran down to the ring with a chair knocking Ambrose down as well attackomg Rollins. That made it a disqualification match. I froze I could've stopped Orton from coming down. They were suppose pin one another or use a submission to win. My eyes started watering and Orton looked at me smirking at first then it dropped quickly.

I fought back the tears that were forming when I closed my eyes for the final blink I felt an arm around my waist and lips touch mine. I open my eyes to see Orton and he smiles as he pulls away and grabs the microphone.

"I fight for what I want" he said dropped the mic and went backstage.

Commercial came and the staff had me hurry backstage Dean and Seth we're behind me I knew both of them wanted to say something to me I ran to the authorities office and Hunter was talking to Randy and Stephanie.

"I've been through enough for the past 3 months I want everything! I mean it Hunter! I deserve that much! I've been through so much stuff! Just give me everything!" I yelled tears spilling down my cheeks.

I fell on the couch crying harder than I have in a long time.

"I miss him. I just want something to remember him by" I said quiet enough to the point where everyone in the room heard it.

I looked up at all of them my eyes red and puffy.

"We're trying Maya. To have everything shipped" Hunter said.

"Its not here yet. Until it is you're still with us" Hunter said as I opened my mouth to speak he said something.

"I'm sorry but if you can't comply with us. You'll never see it" he said and my heart thumped.

I got up and looked to the door to see Dean, Seth and WWE cameras I brushed past them and ran to my dressing room packing up everything. I heard my name being called and ignored it as I got in my car. I drove off not to our next destination for an event but to my house it was going to be a long drive but I have no problem going all the way. It starts snowing harder and I pull over to the side if the road crying again. I didn't raise you to give up. Fight babygirl fight! I heard a voice say.

"Dad?" I asked hoping for a reply remembering the deepness in his voice.

Don't give up babygirl! I sat down in the car thinking of what to do. My phone rang and rang and rang calls from everyone and texts I ignored them all. I turned my phone off and closed my eyes and turned my heat on low.

"I don't know what to do" I said to myself before my breathing started becoming uneven and tears rolled down my cheeks once again.

I checked into the hotel room. I unpacked my clothes and took a shower. I turned my phone back on. Almost 300 texts came through. I placed my phone on the charger and fell asleep on the bed.

About a hour later a knock was at my door. My eyes peered open and the hard banging wouldn't stop. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth again before opening the door. I looked up and seen Nick (Dolph Ziggler).

"Yes" I said and my voice slightly cracked.

He looked so blank his eyes puffy and pink his face red and he was slightly shaking.

"Come in. What happened?" I said noticing his condition before he could say anything else.

"Maya" he said almost inaudible before breaking down.

I sat him down on my bed and he cried in my shoulder as I comforted him. I soon started to cry after seeing my best friend in this condition.

"I'm here Nick. I'm not going anywhere" I said as softly as I could.

After 30 more minutes of crying he finally calmed down.

"Nick. Where's your room key you're sleeping here tonight" he reluctantly gave me his key card and I made my way to the elevator.

Just my luck Dean and Seth are there too. I could tell they were talking before I walked in.

It was a long silence it was uncomfortable and I wished that this elevator would come faster.

"Maya we didn't-" Seth started but I cut him off.

"Don't worry about it. It's my problem not yours" I said in a hurry. Before they could get another word out the elevator stopped on Nick's floor and I left and walked to his room.

I wasn't alone though I was walking to Nick's room and Dean stopped me half way.

"Maya I'll do anything for you we're in this together" he said and kissed my forehead.

I went and collected all of Nick's things. As I left out I ran into Hunter. "Maya great I was about to call you" he said coming over to me.

"I need you to do something" he said nicely. I looked at him and nodded for him to continue.

"I need you to announced that the little segment that happened was apart of a storyline" that took me back.

"That's not right Hunter" I said my hands starting to shake.

"Well it's best for business and you'll do it if you want to stay in this business" he said and smirked. "Nice talk. Have a goodnight" he said and wondered into his room as I stood in shock.

"Best for business" I mumbled to myself.

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