Chapter 71: Love or Lust?

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Maya was working out in the gym alone. She was stressed, exhausted and confused. She took out her rage on the punching bag. Sweat was racing down her face she was so focused before a shadow popped up next to her and she turned to see Jon. He looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. Maya raised her eyebrow at him and then she turned back to hitting the punching bag.

"You're doing it wrong." Jon informed Maya.

Before Maya could speak Jon switched her left leg in front and her right leg behind her and coming behind her guiding her hands on how to hit the bag correctly. Maya tensed up as did Jon's as they both stopped. Maya turned around to face Jon and he never took eyes off of hers. Maya looked away and Jon lifted her up over his shoulder. Maya kicked and argued with Jon to put her down.

"Maya you have to hear me out." Jon said softly.

He carried her to a part where they had wrestling rings unoccupied and sat her down on the edge and stood in front of her. Maya adjusted herself sitting down and looked at Jon and the way she looked at him he was caught off guard. To him she looked so innocent and beautiful he waned to kiss her and just hold her but he knows that she angry at him.

"I know the way it looked Maya it wasn't right. Renee asked me to breakfast because she said she wanted closure and I was explaining to her that I loved you and I always have then she asked me did I love her. At one point I did, it was the 7 months that you were gone and when you came back I realized that I did love her, but only as a friend. Maya everything I told you it was true I do love you and I have for 2 years. I don't want to hurt you but you should allow me to show you to do everything I can do to make you happy. I'm a fuck up you know this and I know I'm going to mess up, but I'm trying to be better for you. For us. Maya please you have to believe me. I realized with you anyone else I've been with I've only been pretending not with you never with you Maya." Jon explained.

His eyes were red as if he was fighting tears. He held Maya's waist and looked up at her. It was a moment before Maya said anything.

"I believe you Jon. It's just you didn't say anything or run it by me I know we're not together but after that night we shared it would've been informative. It would've helped me, I would've been there.  It hurt and it's like you always run back to her no matter what. I get she was here in a time I wasn't you have to understand that I was there then and I'm here now. So if you want something to come of this no more of Renee." Maya said shocked at her own words.

"It sounds like you want to give us a chance." Jon said smiling slightly.

"I-I don't know what I want." Maya informed Jon looking at him.

"It's fine. Completely fine, but I do know what I want and that's you" Jon said and kissed Maya's cheek leaving her heart racing.

Maya and Jon left the ring center together and got back to the regular gym they went their separate ways excising and pushing themselves. Randy came over to Maya and they walked to the ring center both sweaty and exhausted.

"Now I was watching a few of your moves they need to be sharper and quicker and I know all about quickness I am the viper." Randy said smirking. 

Maya rolled her eyes and laughed at Randy.

"Now let's go. I need these kicks to be powerful. I need them to be sharp along with these punches and remember keep it an element of surprise so don't use all your good moves" Randy said getting in the wrestling position.

With that Randy and Maya locked up Randy refused to use all his strength on Maya so he wasn't truly trying. Maya sent him into a cross body knocking him down. Randy got up and made it t his knees it wasn't a moment later Maya was sending powerful kicks his way. With one powerful punch Maya sent it across the face of the Viper and Flipped over him grabbing his neck to stun him and finally putting him in the Maya mixer where Randy tapped out.

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