Chapter 17: Summer Slam

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It was Sunday and I went to the gym 3 times this week. Randy of course helped me with a few pointers. I went some places with Paige and A.J and then to the stadium. We were in Texas and some wwe fans couldn't Wait for the event to start. We were the main event so we could fight them as long as want.

2 hours past and it was time for our match. We were already in the ring as I leaned back on the ropes waiting for them as they came to the ring. They all hopped on the same side of the ring at the same time. 45 minutes into the match and Bray was in one corner and I was in another all of our team mates were down. Then Bray and I started laughing at the same time and stopped at the same time.

I could see it in his eyes Bray was taken back. Then he rolled over to his back and lifted himself up backwards off the ground only on his hands and feet. I started laughing and he got up and I went behind the ropes in my corner smiling. He starred at me strangely as I smiled at him innocently.

"What?" I yelled but he still looked at me strangely.

Seth got in and drop kicked Bray from the back of his head and when he was getting up Seth curve stomped him. She went for the pin and Erik Rowan tried to create and interface but Roman got him. They hit the three count and we won the match as I ran and hugged Roman. Then the ring went black again and when the lights came back on the steel cage from Randy's match against John Census was down.

"Dean! Seth! Roman!" I yelled they were on the other side if the cage.

They were along with the rest of the Wyatt family and Tamina all except for Bray. I turned around and across the ring was Bray Wyatt I ran a hand three my hair.

"Show them!" Bray yelled at me. I turned around to see the guys trying to climb the cage but Luke Harper and Erik Rowan wouldn't let them.

"Last chance" Bray yelled as I started climbing the cage.

I heard a rapid amount of footsteps then I was pulled from the bars. I fell on my right arm and was pulled up from my shoulders. I felt a cold hand on my side the same side where my cuts were he was going to show them. I fought best I could but he held me in place with his free hand slid my shirt up slightly making sure it's not to much. It was enough to reveal my cuts or at least some. I looked as all the guys stopped for a second looking at them my cuts.

I fought as hard as I could I finally for Bray away as get started laughing I kicked him in his stomach and when he bent over in pain I kicked him in his face. I climbed the cage and jumped down I still seen a shocked Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. I fought back the tears as I backed away backstage before I turned into a full speed walk.

"Maya! Maya!" Renee called.

"What is it!?" I snapped I already had tears rolling down my face that I quickly whipped.

"What happened out there?" Renee asked with concern in her voice but still with the wwe camera and mic.

"Isn't it obvious. I mean really Renee I know you seen what happened out there everyone in the world seen what happened" I snapped and then they came up to me.

"Maya what the hell?" Dean snapped but then the look on his face that he quickly regretted it. Seth hit Dean in the back of his head I turned around about to walk away when I felt a hand around my arm.

"Maya we need room talk" Roman said softly.

"Why?" I snapped whipping another tear.

"Maya" Dolph, Paige and A.J popped up and came towards us.

"I got word that Vince McMahon wants to see Maya" Renee said as I ran another hand threw my hair.

"We'll be waiting outside for you" Paige said and I nodded.

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