Chapter 14: It's Fine

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It was a nice date before it turned into a family reunion. Seth and Dean basically wouldn't let Maya touch Jason not even to hug him bye. Maya ended up chasing down Seth and Dean and then threatened to beat them up after Jason left.

Maya Pov
Smackdown Taping

The Shield!

We were walking down the stairs. Some of the fans tried to get a little touchy touchy but I smacked their hands away. We hopped over the barricade and got a mic.

"Look Bray it's very obvious that you think I have some kind of secret, but I have nothing to hide" I said.

"And Tamina just sit down somewhere" I added and handed the mic to Dean.

Dean rambled off then so did Roman and Seth. The arena went black as I looked around and seen phone lights everywhere. Then I looked straight at the ramp as the Wyatt family and Tamina walked down. Once again everyone stood their ground until the ref put everyone in their corner. I started the match but Tamina tagged Bray. Dean entered the ring and I tagged myself back in.

"What are you doing!" Dean said obviously angry.

"I'm getting my hands on Tamina!" I argued.

Just then I looked to the side and pushed Dean out of the way and ducked. Tamina tried to super kick both of us. I grabbed her leg and kicked the back of it 5 times ran to the back ropes and speared Tamina. I punched her repeatedly in the face until she threw me off and I pushed her in the corner stomping her in the stomach until the ref pulled me back.

"Let's go!" I yelled as the crowd cheered louder.

I did a spinning kick on Tamina as she fell and pinned her. She kicked out at 2 as I got up and ran to the back ropes again for a running kick. As I ran she super kicked me again that does wonders. She pinned I kicked out at 1. I quickly made my way to my corner and tagged in Dean. Erik Rowan got in and Dean jumped on him Dean pushed the corner and punched him continuously. 15 minutes into the match and Seth was in against Bray. Bray was setting you for the sister Abigail until I got in a drop kicked him. That gave Seth enough time to tag in Roman.

I got out and was punched by Tamina as I grabbed her and threw her into the barricade 3 times. As Erik Rowan and Luke Harper came closer to me with each step on both sides of me. Then Dean and Seth came and got Luke and Erik. I climbed back in the ring as showed Roman the boost position and he did it. I ran to him as Bray slowly got up and I ran and put my foot in Roman hands has he hoisted me up high in the air.

I did a back flip and kicked Bray back down and landed in someone's arms.bridal style. I looked to see Dean as he threw me back high in the air. I squealed a bit and came back down closing my eyes waiting for the pain to come but it never did. I opened my eyes to see I'm back in his arms.

"Next time give me a warning" I said getting out of Dean's arm.

"But Thanks" I added quickly before Dean could argue.

Tamina got back in the ring as I super kicked her and threw her back outside the ring. I got up in the corner of the ring and put my hands in in victory.

"Believe that!" I yelled and looked down at Tamina and smirked and as the guys were also walking back to the center of the ring. I balled my fist up and placed it in the middle as did Roman, Seth and Dean. Seth grabbed a mic and came back in the ring.

"See you at summerslam" Seth said as we all exited the ring and went backstage that was main event.

"Shield can I get a word with you?" Renee asked running after us.

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