Chapter 77: Our Careers

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     As Maya's crying finally stopped A.J and Maya walked out of the closet as she wiped her face once more.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Styles asked.

"Yeah, I'll just get some rest." Maya answered.

  With that they went their separate ways. As Maya walked she realized that she didn't have a ride and most of the smack down live game was gone. As if on cue a car pulled up revealing Jon. He got out the car and opened the door for Maya as she got in. He ran to the other side of the car and started driving.

  He drove to the hotel Maya didn't say a word she couldn't find the word to say. Jon drove her to the hotel and they walked to her room together. Jon sat on the couch as Maya sat on the bed they were face to face.

"What's bothering you princess?" Jon asked. "I'd understand if it was at the lunch I talked to my mo-" Maya cut Jon off.

"I can't see you anymore." Maya said.


  "I can't see you anymore. And it's not my-" Jon cut Maya off as she tried to explain.

  "Are you serious? You met my family! You met my mother! Everyone I've ever cared about! Maya do you even know how much you mean to me!? I love you and I actually mean every word! So you can't see me anymore? How many times did you say that? Why just so you can go hop on a new guy!?" Jon agrued.

  Maya was taken back by him yelling and most of all his words.

"Jon if you'd just let me explain please." Maya pleaded.

  Maya's eyes watered and Jon stormed out the room. Maya wanted to go and chase after him, but she knew she couldn't. Next, it was Colby that she'd have to tell. With shakey hands she picked up her phone to text him asking him to meet up. He quickly replied and agreed to it.

   Maya was in pain with what was to come. She cried herself to sleep and woke up in the morning knowing what was to come. She put on blue jeans, a white shirt and white Jordan's. For once every since she joined WWE she looked normal like an actual person. She caught an uber to where her and Colby were suppose to meet.

  Her body couldn't pull her to eat, she barely slept and it hurt to even drink anything. She sat at a table waiting for Colby her showed up after a few minutes. Colby smiled walking over to Maya and kissed her Maya got lost in it as she wrapped her arms around him, but soon snapped herself out of it. Colby was taken back, but sat in front of Maya her hands were shaking and she tried to control her breathing.

"You alright baby?" Colby asked.

"Actually, I'm not. I'm far from okay."

Colby grabbed Maya's hand in a supportive manner.

"Tell me about it." Colby urged.

"I can't see you anymore." Maya mumbled.

  Even though it was a mumble Colby heard it as if she shouted it from the top of her lungs. Colby looked at her for a long time Maya's tears were already leaving her eyes.

"I have to." Maya said softly.

"No, you're choosing to. After everything Maya literally we went through Hell and back and you're leaving? You blow me Maya I swear if only you knew. So what's the bullcrap reason you're going now?" Colby snapped.

"I'm doing it to save our careers."

"You could've made it believable at least." Colby snapped and stormed off.

  Maya soon left and caught another uber to the airport where she sat. She couldn't eat and she couldn't rest easy the whole plane ride. She ran into Finn again along with Sasha and Bayley they helped Maya even though she didn't tell them what happened. Their smiles and the jokes they told made her temporarily feel better. That's all she wanted for Jon and Colby is to be happy.

4 weeks later

  It's been to weeks since Maya has heard or seen Colby and Jon, but regardless she talked to Joe. This week she was actually trying to have fun and focus on work. Maya was joking around with Becky and walked into a room where the New Day was recording for their YouTube channel. In the room was none other than Seth Rollins and A.J Styles everyone looked up and greeted Maya except for Colby. He looked at her for a long moment as Styles took advantage of that gaining a victory in the game they were playing.

Colby's focus went back to the game.

"Maya you have to play!" Kofi yelled.

"I really shouldn't." Maya said shyly.

"Why we're all friends." Xavier said smirking.

"I mean I shouldn't hand y'all this L!" Maya exclaimed.

  Everyone laughed Colby even chuckled but went back to a serious face. Maya grabbed a controller the only seat available was next to Colby.  Styles whispered something in Kofi's ear and he got up offering Maya his seat which she took. They were playing Injustice 2. They'd be set up according to teams Kofi and Colby versus Styles and Maya each member would play 3 rounds.

   Styles and Kofi were first as Maya watched intensely cheering for Styles as they all laughed. Next, it was Colby versus Maya there was obvious tension in the room and everyone tried to ignore it, but it was hard to do. As Maya and Colby played everyone except for them were talking then Colby said something that changed the course of the conversation.

"Man I love Cat woman and Batman!" Maya exclaimed.

"Too bad Cat Woman left him I'm pretty sure she said something close to I can't see you anymore." Colby said.

There was a silence taking over. Maya ignored the comment.

"Did we just miss something?" Xavier asked.

"There was a good reason as to why she couldn't see Batman anymore, but he was probably too stubborn to listen." Maya said.

"Then she should've explained better." Colby said.

"That was the only right way to do it, Batman didn't want to listen to her reasoning." Maya snapped.

"I don't think they said all this in the comics." Xavier said and everyone laughed.

   Colby beat Maya in the game leaving the teams 1-1. She handed the controller back to Styles as he picked another character. Colby was cheering for Kofi everyone was laughing as more staff members came in and witnessed the game battle. Even throughout Maya and Colby stole glances from one another. Maya tried her hardest to ignore Colby as the final game play came up for them they were tied 2-2 and this, last game would decide the winner. Maya chose Harley Quinn and Colby chose Superman their match had begun and so did the trash talking.

"That's not fair she has dogs!" Colby yelled.

"Don't talk about your kind like that!" Maya snapped.

Everyone 'oooo'ed as Maya smirked in victory. Colby looked at Maya and then back to the game.

"Are you kidding me?" Colby snapped.

He put down the controller as Harley's mega move was being performed. Everyone laughed at Colby except for Maya. She'd won the match and Colby whined as everyone laughed.

"She cheated!" Colby agrued.

Maya only chuckled as Styles lifted Maya up in victory as they danced around.

"No fair!" Kofi argued.

"It's called winning you should try it." Maya said.

  The recording came to an end as Maya had to prepare for the show. Maya walked out the room earning one last look from Colby. In her mind she'd hope he'd come after her, but he couldn't and he wouldn't. Styles ran to catch up with Maya as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they started joking around. In the distance Colby watched hurting he wanted to be with Maya more than anything in the world.

"Just go and talk to her." Xavier said.

"I can't. I want to, but I can't." Seth said as he watched Styles and Maya walk into a room.

He left soon after to meet up with Joe, but only with Maya on his mind.

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