Chapter 31: It's Not True

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4 Months Later

It's snowing again and tonight's survivors series. In the end Evolution won this match and we were all pretty pissed. We got in the car and drove to the next town as Jason was with us. I keep having a bad feeling. But we drove and I love watching the snow.

Our them song hit as we walked down the isle, jumped over the barricade and grabbed the microphone. Stephanie, Hunter, Randy and Batista stood at the top of the ramp.

"And Maya don't even get me started on-" Randy stopped mid sentence as Summer walked out with two soldiers following behind her.

She pointed to me as the soldiers walked towards me and entered the ring. I looked at Seth, Dean and Roman my heart was beating really hard and my hands were shaking. I seen Stephanie and Hunter walk to the ring this it wasn't planned.

"We're sorry to inform you that your brother has been killed" One soldier said and my heart dropped and a lump formed in my throat.

"You're lying" I snapped and then my eyes made it to the big screen as they showed pictures of my brother with a bullet through his chest.

This was my bad feeling my brother he's... he's... he's gone. I lost all strength as I fell to my knees my hands in front of me. Tears came down I couldn't control them. My breath hitched and I couldn't breathe it hurt so much. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Roman he was concerned, but I couldn't be around anyone. I walked away from the ring but then someone pulled on me and I came to face a chest by the way he was built I could tell it was Seth and for a split second I cried on him.

"Kill yourself!" One of the fans yelled I got out of Seth's embrace and ran backstage.

Jason had my jacket and he was in the room where they watch the show, I raced back and then I couldn't believe it even through blurry eyes. Jason was kissing Summer Rae, Summer was kissing Jason. I sniffled and they both looked up if I wasn't already hurt then I would destroy both of them I took my jacket from Jason.

"Maya " I heard Jason yell as I ran out the room different superstars tried to Stop me followed by divas.

I as fast as I could and went outside and climbed a ladder on the side of the building that led to the roof. I slipped on my jacket and just cried my phone wouldn't stop vibrating and I just cut it off. Tears rolled down my face my breathing was terrible I lost my hero.

"I'm going to be a wrestler one day!" I cheered to my brother and he came down to my level. "Is that what your heart is set on?" He asked in a serious tone and I nodded I was only 6.

That flashback came back and I cried harder. He was the one who helped me start wrestling. He was my hero as he helped our family single-handedly. He was there for me through almost anything.

I looked in my brothers room and walked towards him. "Michael" I called and he groaned as he woke up. "What's wrong Maya?" He asked concerned. "The monsters" I simply spoke and he moved over in his bed. "Come on. As long as I'm here no monsters will get you" Michael spoke as I climbed in his bed. "I love you" I said to Michael. "Love you too" he said and I fell fast asleep.

I cried harder and harder. I could barely breathe now but I managed to get up and walk to the edge of the building. I tried to Calm myself down but couldn't I walked back to where I was sitting and turned on my phone, some times when I cry Dolph is the only person who can make me Stop. I texted him where I was and then I seen a body climbing up the ladder. He immediately came to me and hugged me and sat me on his lap.

"It's okay let it out" Dolph said and I cried harder than I ever had before if my life.

I looked at the time it was 10 I ran out at 8 because we were the first segment.

"Everyone's worried sick about you" Dolph said and I nodded.

He climbed down the ladder first then I did but as I climbed down I felt a pain but pleasure. When I finished climbing I looked at my hand to see blood dripping from it and Dolph took me to the medics. He sat next to me on the bed as the doctor cleaned my hand.

"Don't leave me Dolph" I spoke and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I won't" he said.

I laid back on the bed and Dolph followed as I laid on his chest crying but slowly falling asleep. I did hear footsteps quickly come into the room as my eyes were still closed and I felt Dolph sit up.

"She's okay" I heard a worried deep voice, Roman.

"What the hell where did she go?" Another worried voice asked by the sounds it was Seth.

"She was on the roof she just wanted to be alone" Dolph informed me. 

I felt his arm come around me tighter. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't my heart wouldn't let me. I opened my eyes to see all the guys worried about me Raw was over and we went to the hotel.

"Maya do you-" Dean started but I went in my room and closed the door. I changed into something comfortable and laid on my bed.

"Maya" the door opened and I turned to see Roman.

"Seth wants you" Roman informed me as I got up and walked to Seth's room it was late.

I walked to Seth's room and he immediately brought me into a hug. I cried and I laid in Seth's bed and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I fell asleep facing his chest as he held me tight. Then that's where everything went wrong.

I don't even know what the dream was but I shot up and ran to the bathroom. Seth followed behind as he woke up. I looked on my wrist and seem scratches I bust out crying as Seth carried me back to the bed as he held me. "I love you Maya. I'm here for you" Seth said and I fell asleep in his warm embrace. Then yelling woke me up it was still dark and Colby still held me close as I heard him whisper yell.

"I knew you were cheating on me!" Leighla yelled.

"And with her!" She added still yelling I didn't have the energy to fight with her.

I just got a blanket and went into the livingroom part of the hotel room and fell asleep there. I woke up again but this time I was on a bed. I sat there and cried the most important person in my life is gone.

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