28: Tedine & Jon

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Nana went to look for Jon , back in the Underworld . In specific, the Underworld bank.

Unlike the Upper world. The underworld had its own currency. Undreas to be exact. Humans burn things of what seem to be property or monetary value in paper to the ancestors. The bank evaluates these items and changes them into Undreas.

" Manager. We have a customer... I don't know how to evaluate... "

Jon walked over " let me see. 1 house is 5 undreas. 1 plane is 10 undreas. Paper dolls do not count. 100,000 of whatever currency in paper changes to 1 undreas.  Simple enough. "

" What ?!! How's that fair ?!! You don't know how to evaluate!!! "

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" What ?!! How's that fair ?!! You don't know how to evaluate!!! "

Jon ; I see. He's being difficult

" I'm rich !!! That guys is just some poor shit who does paper printing as a clerk in the company!! How can he be richer than me ?!! "

Jon ; well , we also count towards the number of good deeds you did in life. Each good deed evaluates to how much undreas you'll have in the afterlife. I do like watching the gap of asshole rich like you at my window. How does it feel ? The fall to hell

" What did you say ?!! "

Jon ; rude behavior is also a bad deed.

" This is not fair ... I... I can at least request to reincarnate right ?!! "

Jon ; of course. You can apply that with our reincarnation department. A lot of you types come here. Give him the information paper.

The banker at the window slips him a piece of paper and the soul starts reading.


A Simple Understanding To Your Reincarnation.

1) We evaluate the number of good deeds you did in this life to deserving which of the next.

2) Anyway to change my path of reincarnation, because I might be born as a firefly in the next life ?

Good job. You know you're an asshole. Don't worry , we're all about second chances. Hard work is always rewarded and you can earn recommendation letters from your boss or peers, in which we will take into serious consideration under investigation.

Try your best to be a good person and we'll see what we can do for you.

Every case is , case by case basis. We determine who and what you're born as next. Work hard !


" You've... Got to be kidding me..."  The souls breaks down and cries.

Jon ; guard ! Send him out.

And two guards comes in to drag the soul out.

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