84: Elliot Munhansen's Curse

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Nana ; Oh. Ruin !! You're back !!

Ruin ; yes I'm back. And that guy is back. You know him ?

Nana : huh. Oh. Neva

Neva : I knew it. I just knew it ! When I saw Ruin , I knew you're here. That Rose is , your cover. Isn't it ?

Ruin ; not really. She is really nice and quiet unlike her. My boss , employer, Miss.

Neva : but you're back. Back. Right ?

Nana : I don't know. I could be here just for holiday.

Neva ; no. You're not here for holiday. You're here to play the game .

Nana: that just doesn't make sense.

" you did something. I will find out what it is. " Neva smirked. He took a step forward and Ruin stepped forward as well to block him.

Neva : Shadow Demon not here ?

Ruin : are you maybe stupid ?

Neva : wow this one has a mouth.

Nana : I know right. He's fun. Wasn't like this when I first met him.

Ruin : they were so serious and dull. I didn't want to be odd one out. Also , I'm kind of not close with them. I've been told this side of me is annoying.

Rose enters at this time " who's he ?"

Ruin: Miss' guest.

Rose : oh. You're not going to kill me right ?

" no. You're not useful. I will, be watching you. Nana. Welcome back " Neva smiled then leaves.

Nana : he's also this fun around you ? Rose.

Rose : he's kinda in his own things cos I don't really need him as a guard .

Nana looked to him.

Ruin : don't look at me like that. I know you can take it. Right ? Yes. You can. Right.

Nana laughs " why ? Scared I... Kill you ?"

Ruin ; you won't ~ you like my funnyness.

Nana : wanna be my guard ?

Ruin ; how about Mr Yui ?

Nana : he... Is busy... Won't be by my side for a while...

Rose ; and me ? Do I still get a guard?

Nana : he's here in case anyone thinks you're me. Tries something funny. And also...

Rose : reports back to Joy ?

Nana : yup.

Rose : you're honest. Well. I still can keep this cottage right ?

Nana nodded " you still want a guard ?"

Rose : there are some thugs. You could hire me one. I could pay him.

Nana nodded " no problem . Ruin. Let's go. "

Ruin ; where ?


Ruin reaches the door and then looked back " I'm the guard and I have to knock ?"

It was Tedine behind him " in case they set traps you know. "

Ruin sighs " fine. " And knocks on the door " something happened ?"

Tedine: how did you figure?

Ruin ; Miss said Mr Yui won't be around for her with a really sad face. I've not known for her long but for a man that will assess her bodyguards. He must love her a lot . So if he's not here... Something has happened right ?

Tedine : Yui is going to stop Miss. You scared ?

Ruin : just when the job started to get interesting?

Tedine : not a boring job kind of guy ?

The door opens and it was the butler " and who might you be ?"

" Err... No traps ! " He slighted his body and looked to Tedine.

Tedine : we're here for Mr Elliot.
Elliot came down the stairs and took a sit at the couch " and you guys are ?"

Tedine : don't recognise him ?

Ruin ; er. Bodyguard. Dr Rose.

Elliott: oh. Yes yes.

Tedine : so how's the medicine going?

Elliott: as usual. Dr Rose have a request for me ?

Tedine : no. I am the friend Rose have mentioned.

Elliott: a better medicine ? Don't bother. I'm not in any pain and I can't think of giving you anything you want just for what ? To feel stronger ? But I'm still going to die ?

Tedine : wow. He's bitter. You almost seem like a sad medicine junkie .

" Ahem. Manners. " The butler coughed

Tedine : I want you to retreat out of the merchant's association.

Elliot: in exchange for a sub par medicine ? Ha. No way.

Tedine: There is no such thing as an uncurable disease. Only a cure yet to be found for it.

Elliot: you're not a healer or an apothecary. You make bold statements for... what is it that you do ?

Tedine: stuff. I wouldn't call myself a Trade Dealer.

Elliot: for a person of, stuff.

Tedine: you don't have to believe me now. But you will eventually. Munhansen Family's fortune and good luck all befalls upon one man. That, is kind of sad.

Elliot: I don't know what you are talking about.

Tedine: you believe in gods? Elliot. Cos if you say you don't, it's like saying you don't believe in your curse either

Elliot: it's just a legend.

Tedine: so you have, prayed to a god to ask it to take it away?

Elliot: it. You don't believe in gods too huh.

Tedine: oh. I believe, just not in the way others do. Praying and stuff. Miracles. The one I believe in is unbelievably wilful. No holy and strictness and all of that.

Elliot: I see. So you take it away? The curse. Forever?

Tedine: not me. My Miss.

Elliot: your Miss ? She's just a Trade Dealer.

Ruin : so was the one who promised you riches . Forever.

Elliott: ..... I want to know how it's done.

Ruin looked to Tedine.

Tedine: not sure... Will check with my Miss. Anything else ?

Elliott: that the fortune won't be taken away just because I've decided to cure the curse.

Tedine : fortune only stays because you manage it.

Elliot : that's right

Tedine : and you'll have to live past 40 to do that.

Elliot: .... Ok. Deal.

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