65: After Araki's Life

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Araki was surrounded by men clothed in black. It was obvious they were after his life.

" Time for you to die. "

" I will not !! " Araki turns invisible and he couldn't be seen.

He had almost slipped past them when a circle below glowed up and showed his presence.


Their guns pointed towards him.

That's it ? I'm going to die here ? The bow. I should use the...

The guns fires a magic blast from their barrels...

Just almost inches away from its body , a black film was placed lightly on his body. It didn't feel touch to the skin. It was like centimeters away from him. It absorbed the blasts into nothing.

" It's been long since I fought. You guys want to make my hands itchy ? "

Araki turned to see his saviour, but didn't recognize him.

" Hello. I'm Yui. Nana sent me."

Araki : thank you for saving me.

Yui : no problem. I usually only protect my nana . But she requested me to come on this one especially.

Araki : oh.

Yui then looked to the men in blacks " so ? " Yui pulled out a blade from his own shadow

" We need more elite. " One of them said and they retreat.

Araki : I guess Minister Braidy won't ever let me off.

Yui : oh. Is that what you think ?

Araki : they're not ?.

" come on. Let's go. " Yui leads him to the car " you sit the front."

Araki : huh ? Er. Ok. Right... He's the husband...

Nana : you're back. Was it fun ?

Yui ; they didn't give me the chance to.

Nana: you mean they left ?

Yui ; easily.

Nana : hmm... Yui . Can you...

" Got it." And Yui sinks into the shadows.

Nana : eins. Let's go home first.

Eins: no need to wait for him ?

Nana :it's fine. He'll be back. He'll always find me.


The man Yui caught ,woke up the next afternoon shackled to the walls. The chains were given some length so he wasn't all tied up . He held his head a little heavy and he saw Yui sitting by outside the gate " .... Mr Yui... Right ? "

Yui ; you're up. Drink that cup beside you.

" you've been..."

Yui ; don't talk to me. Drink up first.

So the man picked up the cup of hot drink and downs it quite quickly " so... You were here the whole time ? "

Yui ; your head hurts still ?.

" erm... No. Weird. My head was heavy just now..."

Yui ; Nana's special blend. It never fails.

" Oh I see... You've been sitting here the whole time ?"

Yui ; nope. The five boys though. They've been taking shifts go ensure you woke up.

" Almost seems like I'm a VIP. I would think you would be torturing me by now. "

Yui ; to get information? Mr Jetson.

Jetson; .... So fast you already know all about me ?

Yui ; my nana have some ways.

Jetson : I can't tell you what you want to know. You can torture me all you want.

Yui : instead of torturing you , I want to make a deal with you.

Jetson : isn't that your missus thing ?

Yui ; it is. I do things on behalf of her too. After all I don't like her getting close to people like you.

Jetson : too bloody ?

Yui : no. She gets impatient sometimes. Just pulls their soul out and breaks it for the information she wants. Too much work really

Jetson shuddered a little over what he heard " haha. " He said with a little shiver in his voice " that supposed to frighten me ?"

" It's good you're kind of afraid . " The voice spoke.

Yui ; nana. I told you ,you don't have to come.

" I got bored. " She sat onto his lap sideways , with her legs swinging above ground as she sat on his lap. Then she looked to Jetson " it means you want to live. If you're allowed. "

Jetson ; nonsense !

Nana : fear is good. It means you know what you want.

Jetson ; you're talking nonsense.

Nana : you're one of those suicide agents. Self suicide or abandon-able. They haven't pressed your button to die, that's good right ?

Jetson : it will happen soon. They just thought I'm still alive.

Yui : don't think so... It's been too long. Don't you think ?

Jetson : .... Then...

Yui : we took it off. That magic circle that makes you suicide or let's them kill you.

Jetson : you can do that ?

Yui ; easily reversible actually. It's just a rite.

Jetson : I'm loyal to my country. I won't tell you anything.

Nana: now we're getting somewhere. Who's your master ?

Jetson ; I don't know.

Nana : work for me. Then you won't have to die. And don't tell me the loyalty thing again. You're an orphan they took in. They trained you to use you like a chess piece. To throw away. What's so good about working for someone like that ?

Jetson : like you're any different

Nana : I will pay you. Won't put that stupid restraint on you. You can die whenever you choose to.

Jetson laughed " you can protect me ?"

Nana ; I can help you leave the country. Work under me until you find something else.

Jetson ; all these are just temptations !!

Nana : they are. Temptations I can make reality of. Think about it. What has your master ore country , done for you ? In fact , if they did do something for you , why are you an assassin? Why aren't you in a foster home like the other kids ?

Jetson: shut up... Shut up !!

Yui ; let him think about it. Nana. Let's go.

Jetson ; wait... What kind of information?

Nana : who is your master ?

Jetson ; how fast you can get me out of here ? And what job will you give me ?

Nana ; as soon as I hear what I want. Bodyguard. Assassin. Along those lines. I haven't an agency that takes it this kind of business. Bodyguard business is very good.

Jetson ; .... Ok. I'll tell you

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