59: Threatened ; Rescue Araki

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Nana left the house " time to go home. "

Eins : this guy dangerous? You've got to bring all of us ?

Funf ; agreed.

Zwei ; he's not a military minister. Nor does he look like he has hired any strong arms.

Nana : just for precautions.

Drei ; all five of us ? Is it for those pesky ones still watching ?

Vier ; never too safe for precautions?

Nana : yea. That.

Her phone rings. She picks it up " hello ? "

" Hello Miss Nana. I would like you to take the road to the nearest post office. You'll find it's a very very very big one. "

Nana : who are you and why would I ?

" As of this moment onwards , I'm your dedicated hunter. I will try to kill you when I'm told to. "

Nana : sounds more like a hunter with a remote.

" Programmed hunter is a nicer phrase. Or and if you don't , the hotel you stay in ? I'll make it an example in explosion. "

Nana ; and you think I would care because... ?

" My boss says gods can't cause castarophes. Not if they can help avoid it. "

Nana : care to make your acquaintance? Mr...

" Heren. First name basis. Since we're going to be close. What do you think ? "

- beep. Beep. Beep. -

Heren : rude...


Funf : we can turn the car around now.

Eins : and leave hundred to die ?

Zwei ; no offenses, that's on them.

Drei ; we're walking into a trap.

Nana : stop the car. Stop the car !

Allison did as told.

Vier ; we're not going?

Drei ; we shouldn't !!

Nana ; get out Allison.

Allison: huh ?

Nana : get out !!

Allison gets off.

Nana : vier. Take the wheel.

Vier does as told " so we drive there ? "

Nana : anyone of you wants to get off this boat before it leaves ?

Zwei ; I'm not a coward.

Nana : anyone ? Alright.

As soon as the vehicle drove to the abandoned post office, they got off. They could immediately sense the number of people inside the building.

Eins : about a hundred

Zwei : even if we're elite five of us can die in there.

Drei : middle level skilled to high level skilled magic.

Nana : it is The Vines after all. They have the manpower.

Funf ; so we'll definitely die here then ?

Vier : no more backup ?

Nana's phone rings and she picks up " you're inside there ? "

Heren : no. But araki is. I fully expectedly him to use the bow on us. But he didn't made him quite an easy catch.

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