77: I Can't Watch Her Die

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Adamus laughed a little as he watered his plants " sly little god . She would be the first to try and use me like that.

" You're not angry ? " Mesia , his follower asked.

Adamus: it's ok. She needs him to hate me. I did tell her she needs to die. She took it well though.

Mesia : not like those who were just ready to sacrifice... She had a ... Ok. I will do it face. It's just a job. Face.

Adamus: she's different to other gods.

Mesia : I thought she would be afraid.

"well. I told her everything. The blackmail wasn't all lies though . She doesn't do this , I will find a way to destroy all she loves." Then adamus looked to his sunflower " Oh don't look at me like that. Its kind of everything." Then he looked to Mesia " you're boring. At least nanalise read my face. I should ask her to come over more often."

Then the venus flytrap opens its jaws.

Adamus: oh. Keep your attitude. 

Mesia : so she downplayed the threat ?

Adamus: not really. She could lose everything... But him. She loves everything she wants to. Keeps them close. But if there was a choice she had to make, she would destroy everything for him. Even the other things she loves.

Mesia: then why choose to tell him through Azelin?


Izuya: where is she? She ran out and is avoiding me isn't she?

Azelin: ugh.... she is lucky I am her friend...

Izuya: she can't just choose death!!

Azelin: er ? then choose to be alive and watch everything else go into nothing, destroyed... because... of just... her? That's going to be very painful don't you think? Oh wait, April happened before. So she knows a bit of how that might be.

Izuya: she told you Azelin too ?

Azelin: we tell each other stories. 

The bird tweets.

Azelin: we are not like old folk buddies. And my house is not an old folk's home !

Izuya looks at him with a  '  hello. I am here ' face

Azelin: hey. Birds are beings too. It is entitled to talk.

Izuya: we can somehow face this together.

Azelin: You want to fight the Divine ? Is that your plan ....

Izuya: No... we can't fight him. He can smite us. Which would be great. But he needs her, so he will just smite me. Then Nanalise would be sad and cry so that is not going to work. But I can't watch her die or work towards death.

Azelin and his bird looks at Izuya.

Izuya: That's not fair. I can't. I won't . I have managed to protect her all these time !! Azelin !! She becomes a human, I am there. She is in pain as a half god. I am there. She becomes evil out of control nanalise. I am there. 

Azelin: then be there for this too.

Izuya: I can't. I protected her all these time to keep her from dying. From leaving me. To keep her with me. Not to... Let her leave me. Watch her die.


Nanalise : he said he is going to do what..?!!

Azelin's little bird perching on his lying chair flew away. Azelin looked to his little bird as it flew away "traitor !!"

Azelin: I didn't say it. What are you getting angry at me for ?


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