73: Two Requests From Neva In Exchage For A Meet With Shadow Demon

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Rose : hi Mr Elliot.

Elliot sat down at the table , surprised to see her here "you're still here ?"

Rose ; I heard you went for treatment. With the Priestess.

Elliot: yes. Looking in for their secrets?

Rose ; no no. I have my own recipes. Though I have been curious...

Elliot laughed a little " oh... So... This is about recipes..."

Ruin laughed a little.

Rose ; what ?!

Ruin ; nothing..

Rose : I'm an outstanding medical student who loves learning. I can't want to learn more things ?

Ruins laughed a bit more.

Rose : hmph. So... What do they give you ? Does it help ?

Elliot ; just Evergarden powder water as much as I can tell.

Rose : is it helping?

Elliot: I never thought of such a way to cure my illness. But who knows. Maybe ?

Rose ; hmm...


Joy had his book opened and he stayed silent while his guest sat opposite.

" Sighs. Joy. "

Joy : yes ?

It was his father , Neva " you're going to just keep pretending to ignore me ?"

Joy ; not pretend. Already ignoring you.

Neva : don't tell me you're angry because I touched her organisation

Joy ; I don't believe Alan did anything to cross your business because mama made an order for him not to

Neva : come on. I'm your father. Don't be harsh. You weren't like that when you were younger.

Joy ; I didn't know you raped my mama then. I wasn't smart then.

Neva : don't say it that ugly. She had feelings to me still then.

Joy ; she was confused.

Neva : she still has family then. Human family. She could have left.

Joy ; she stayed for me. Stayed for ilise. You weren't more of a jerk after that once. So she stayed. But feelings ? Probably just some lingering.

Neva : that's mean. You don't want your parents to play nice ?

Joy looked up from his book " I don't need a fatherly figure in my life. I was just an anchor for you to keep mama there. Only ones who I felt who were my family who gave me warmth... While I was still in that house... Was ilise. Those 7 silly siblings. Mom Edness . Shadow Demon... "

Neva : Shadow Demon? You're joking.

Joy went back to his book " you were barely there. Why would you care. "

Neva ; didn't hear the name Nana there.

Joy ; it's all cos of you. Only after you died , mama could look me in the eyes properly again.

Neva : you make it sound like you're glad I died.

Joy shrugged " didn't have much impact on me. Ilise cried real hard though. "

Neva : mean.

Joy ; why are you , here ? I already let out news that the Trade Dealer Nana is not in. Special trades are not available at this period of time.

Neva : cos she's not on this plane ? Or she actually died ?

Joy; you didn't hear from your people ? They killed nana.

Neva ; and there's no revenge ?

Joy ; revenge ? It will come. Trust it.

Neva : scary.

Joy ; what do you want ? Father.

Neva ; One meet. With your mother. 

Joy: what do you mean?

Neva: come on. It's not nice when you try to act dumb. Has she really returned up there or down there, wherever it is gods dwell. Or, has she died?

Joy: Mr Astra saw her corpse. Verified.

Neva: Then I should see Yui, or known Shadow Demon which you known him as. 

Joy: and if he kills you?

Neva: gods have to follow some rules here. That the least I know. He can't just kill me.

Joy: He is Shadow Demon. He can.

Neva: aww. Are you worried? So, can you make it happen?

Joy: what do I get in return?

Neva: what do you want?

Joy: no. I want to hear what you have prepared to offer me. You must have something in your pocket

Neva: sighs. I forget how you smart and annoying you could be. You know, you don't look very sad that Nana died. Maybe she is still alive. You just hid her somewhere. 

Joy: I had already done my share of crying. In fact I do feel offended you asking to verify her death. Like I said, revenge will come. Trust it.

Neva: just not now. Yea yea you said it.

Joy: so what will you offer?

Neva: 2 requests from The Vines.

Joy: three.

Neva: two .

Joy: two from you.

Neva: fine. Deal. Shake on it?

Joy pulls out a piece of paper from the drawer " sign it"

Neva: you knew I would come.

Joy: You are my father. Of course I know you.

 Neva takes a browse on the contract " to arrange a meeting with Yui or known as Shadow Demon to verify death." He looks up " I can find him myself."

Joy: sure. Go ahead. He will only take my calls though

Neva : tsk. Fine. Fine. I will sign it

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