53: Nana Shakes Hands With Araki

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Pinlana spoke through the amulet " stupid kid. Araki got caught. "

Nana: I thought he managed to avoid getting caught all this time .

Pinlana : the people who want him , they've paid The Vines for information to catch him.

Nana : the Eldrin kingdom sent rats to come catch for Araki ? Is that what you're saying ?

Pinlana: well ... Araki can turn invisible. Any tracker if they want to catch him may need to take quite long. Since the princess incident happened 1 month ago , they've been looking back for their now. I guess they're impatient now.

Nana : hm.... Got it. About the incident, I'll let you investigate.

Pinlana : great. I can leave here.


Nana : kazuri ~

The mirrored rings through and kazuri picked up. He looked through the mirrored " hey. What's up ? Got a task for me ?"

Nana : not really. Though.... Do you want a new weapon ?

Kazuri: don't need it.

Nana : it's a national treasure

Kazuri: you bought it ? No wait. I don't want it. Don't you dare take it too. That's going to bring us so much trouble!!!

Nana ; eh...

Kazuri ; MA MA. NO.

Nana : mmm... I'll call Joy and ask him.

" hi mama. " joy stepped into the Mirrored screen " I heard everything. No. "

Nana : why are you there ?!!

Joy ; I'm thinking of expanding our assassin and bodyguard business. We're hiring !

Nana : eh ? We are ?

Joy ; I know you wanted to keep our organisation small. Just enough to let people know we're operating. But The Vines is no normal organisation. It's better we're prepared.

Nana : so I can keep it ? The weapon.

Joy ; no. Return it to the Eldrin kingdom. They just came to my door yesterday.

Nana : you didn't promise anything. Did you ?

Joy : unpleasant people. But no.

Flashback ~

" I'm speaking to..."

Joy ; I'm Joy. Miss is out on her travels.

" you can make the decisions? "

Joy : mostly.

" then I would like you to return our kingdom's treasure. "

Joy ; sorry ? What ?

" The Golden Bow. It's ours. Please return it to us. You wouldn't want to go to war with us. Would you ? "

Joy ; I will, pass on the message.

" I'm sure we'll hear a favourable answer. "

Then lent whispered something in Joy's ear " they've engaged The Vines after mama. "

Joy's face blackened " I haven't got to ask. Who are you again ?"

" A mere representative of Eldrin."

Joy ; I see. See you again then.

The representative hmphs and leaves the building.

That very same night as he walking back to his hotel. He was stopped by a car. The car door opens and Joy exits.in " hello.."

" You have my answer. "

Joy ; no. I have my, answer. You're a nobody. A dog following your master's orders. So it's ok if we do this.

Lent held a blade to his neck. With one slice , she could make him bleed.

Now this man was truly afraid " I'm the ambassador's assistant !! You wouldn't!! This will turn into a diplomatic affair !!! "

Joy ; it's ok. We'll send a nice flower basket . He will have to let it go. Lent.

And she slices across her neck causing him to bleed to the ground.

Lent ; call the cleaners ?

Joy ; leave it. Let the police find him.
The flower basket was sent to the ambassador's office. It had a card that wrote

It's just a dog. Don't be sad. We'll return it when we're ready.

The secretary walked in " have you heard the news ? They killed our man and left him on the streets. The police ruled it homicide and asks us for our co-operation."

End ~

Joy : so return it timely. Ok ?

Nana : ok...


he mirrored call ends and Juliet brings the cup of tea to the table " Miss. Araki is here. "

Nana : oh . Let him in

" I'm here. " araki was just right behind Juliet. " I brought the bow to you. You , will help me take revenge right ? "

Nana : what kind of revenge in specific?

Araki : those who caused her death. I want the exact same thing to happen back to them.

Nana : even if it might cripple your kingdom ?

Araki : you're suggesting it's someone powerful? What ? You're scared ?

Nana : no. You haven't answered my question

Araki : ..... *Clenches fist* I want revenge.

Nana : ok. For now , you'll owe me one.

" just like that ? Deal." Araki shakes her hand.

Nana ; I'm asking you to open a blank cheque for my price. You obviously don't know how big this could go.

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